Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Resolution progress

Why I'm even bothering to write this post is beyond me. I guess maybe to depress me even more that so far it's all been a BIG fail!

In 11 days I have lost....drumroll please....1 pound! Really? I've given up multiple treats, on the treadmill 8 out of those 11 days, drank 2 glasses of water... hey that's more than I've had in the last 6 months!! Yet I've only lost 1 pound! My god what's the point! And don't give me the ol "muscle weighs more than fat" blah blah blah. I assure that my fat blubbery thighs are still FULL of just fat! That 1 pound was definitely not lost in my thighs....I'm betting it was because I cut my finger nails or something =P

Soda....I think I should just skip this one entirely. Let's just say that I haven't quite gotten to the 3 cans a day yet. Actually I switched to 2 liters thinking that maybe I wouldn't drink as much...but now I think I'm actually going through it even faster! Cold turkey is probably the only way for me to do it....but I just can't do that to my poor kids!

I've hardly seen Matt lately...let alone actually do something with just him. He's worked a crazy amount of hours in the last 2 weeks combined with finishing up Sandy's bathroom. I have had plenty of time to spend with the kids though since it's disgusting outside and just walking to the mailbox makes my nose hairs freeze!

I've also only gone shopping for needs...but this has been out of my control. I'm feeling a strong urge to shop for wants and will be doing so as soon as I can get out of my house...currently snowed in! What will I be shopping for? Candles that smell like the beach so I can put my head under a lamp and pretend I'm at the beach! What? Am I the only one that does this?

I did upload all my pictures from our Disney trip and Christmas. So I have made a litle progress there. Have I done anything with them since? Well I looked through them while drinking waay too much diet soda.


Julie said...

Buy one 2 liter and that's all you get for the week. That is what I have been doing.

Kelly said...

Don't get discouraged. It will happen!!! Took me months to get past the 1 lb mark per month but finally I am seeing the results!
