The Sorcerer's hat at Disney Studios
Beauty and the Beast show
I think I'm going to shape all my bushes to look like this. LOL
Hannah and Larry during the fireworks
I apologize in the delay of my trip report.... school started which always throws me for a loop the first couple weeks.
So onto day 7....
Today is the 4th of July! This is one of my favorite holidays.... basically because it's one of the few holidays where it's actually warm in Ohio. lol Disney is expecting record crowds today so we're opting to do Hollywood Studios today ( formerly known as MGM studios).
After our long day yesterday we're having a bit of a hard time getting the kids moving this morning. Fortunately it won't take long to get them ready because we don't have to bother with hair... their hairstyles from the boutique and the barbershop lasts for a couple days. How Brooke ever slept with her hair pulled that tight is beyond me.. but she was insistent on being a princess again today. :) My bed is covered in blue paint from Drew.... spoiled monster is loving sharing a bed with us everynight. haha
Finally get moving and into Hollywood studios. They let you in the entrance and then hold you on the main walkway. There is NO shade at this park! So there we stand... with several thousand other people... sweating our asses off! My little notecard says that we must hit Toy Story Mania first. This is a brand new ride and has had wait times up to 4 hours!! No way in hell am I waiting 4 hours for that!! But everyone else thought it was a better idea to head to Tower of terror and Rock N Rollercoaster first. Okay... but it's not on the notecard that way. =P They drop the rope and Matt and Larry run to get fastpasses for them. Jess, the kids and I get a few pics taken along the way.... we're starting to look as if these kids don't have a father in our pics. haha We get to Tower of terror and I wait with the kids while the 3 of them ride. During this time Hannah's having a "teen attitude" moment, Brooke is complaining about how her princess dress is itchy and Drew... well he was just being god awful! Surely the 6 hours of sleep after 14 hours at the park the day before should've been enough. =P He was throwing fit after fit... you know the kind where people are looking at you saying my god I would NEVER let my kid act like that! Um yea....I've been that mom too. But now I'm the mom trying my best to deal with the out of control child without beating him to a pulp. =P he threw himself on the ground and when I tried to pick him up he bucked and I hit my back on a cement bench....ahh this is going well! haha As soon as the others get out of the ride they want to ride the coaster. Knowing I'm not going to last another wait in the hot sun with my 3 crabs.. I tell them we're going to go walk around the park a bit and we'll meet up as soon as they're done.
I head with the kids to find something to do for a few minutes and Drew is just not a happy boy this morning. One crying spell after another. :( A guy looks at me and says this is the happiest place on earth. Um yea... screw you. ;) Larry then calls me to let me know they won dream fastpasses... okay very cool! This will allow us to double up on fastpasses all day long! And then he tells me that they got more fastpasses for the tower and the coaster. And here comes the fit of ALL fits... given by me! haha What do you mean you got MORE fastpasses??!! That is sooo NOT on my notecards! We are supposed to be getting them for Toy Story.... which Drew can actually ride! Not more damn rides that we're going to be waiting with him while others ride! After the wait I've had so far this morning with him... no way in hell is he going to make it through much more of this! Do they not understand they need to follow MY plan! Damn fools. =P By the time we all meet up I am not a happy camper because we will have to wait another 2 hours before we can get our next set of fastpasses! Grrr! We stand out in the blazing sun ( remember no shade at this park) and Matt and I have a few "words". haha I've been watching couples argue all week in Disney and thinking to myself how could they possibly be standing in Disneyworld having an argument over something that's probably so stupid... and here we are. lol I realize that it's okay to deviate from the plan just a little bit... but it better not happen again. lol
We head to a show to get inside for a bit to cool off... I'm pretty sure it's 115 degrees by now! We see Playhouse Disney and Drew is in love! He loves this show and stands the whole time dancing and clapping away. Brooke even thought it was cute. Hannah... well she was just glad that she didn't know anyone there... she would just die if her friends knew she saw that. haha
We then go to see Lights, Motor, Action. It's a car stunt show that Larry's been talking about for 2 years! It's getting close to lunch time and we're all starving so I buy $30 worth of snacks to get us through the show....nothing like soggy pretzels, chips and popcorn for lunch. haha The show is awesome and Drew is just mesmerized with the cool cars. Larry has decided he's found his calling in life... a stunt car driver. Not so sure about that though Lar... I think they have to know how to parallel park. hehe There's fire in this show... so the temp in the arena is approx. 140 degrees! Pretty sure the rubber on the bottoms of our shoes in melting to the stands. =P
We walk around for a bit afterwards... and once again can't find an ounce of shade! OMG.... it's unbearably hot today! We're dousing ourselves with $2 a piece water bottles just trying to stay cool! We finally get to ride Toy Story Mania... very cool ride! Wait time was several hours long... but with the fastpasses... we're only in line about 10 minutes!!
We then head to watch Beauty and the Beast. They have a quartet called 4 for a dollar that sings beforehand.... very neat! Larry misses most of it because he's out getting McDonalds fries... the soggy pretzels just aren't holding us over til dinner. =P The beauty and the beast show was awesome and I could see Brooke eyeing Belle's costume. Look girlie... you're NOT getting another $70 dress today. lol This show is also outside though... so once again we're nearing 140 degrees!
Jess talks Hannah and I into riding the Tower of Terror so we head back over that way. I will ride anything.... but I HATE free falls! Especially this one... because the ride is different each time! Larry rides with us as well. THe queue for this is very neat and I'm glad that I rode it. but once was enough. haha Also rode Rock N Rollecoaster using the fastpasses Matt got earlier without my permission. lol This coaster runs to Aerosmith music which I love so pretty cool ride! Matt wants to ride them again so Larry, Brooke, Drew and I head to see the afternoon parade. This parade isn't your typical parade. It stops and does a whole show in front of you. So depending on where you're standing everyone gets to see something different. We had characters from It's a Bugs Life in front of us as well as the army men from Toy Story. These guys were going nuts over Drew and his blue mohawk! They kept pulling him out in the street to be a part of the parade! He was adorable playing along with them.
It's now time for our first sit down dinner of the week.... Hollywood and Vine. It's a dinner buffet. We've really been looking forward to this. On the menu is Prime Rib which is one of Matt's favorites!! We're all starving by this point since we relaly never ate lunch. We anxiously fill our plates and start eating away. I immediately don't like the food... but since I'm the world's pickiest eater this comes as no surprise. Matt's not much caring for his either.... he also can be a bit picky at times. But Larry... who is the human garbage disposal... is hardly eating anything. That's when I knew it sucked! Drew by this point is sound asleep on my lap. Since it's air conditioned in there and we've now paid $150 for a meal we don't like... we decide to atleast get our moneys worth in air conditioning. =P They did have a decent dessert bar... so once again... we're surviving on pure sugar. lol
After dinner we ride a few more rides and see the Indiana Jones show. I really had no desire to see this show but everyone else did. Glad they talked me into it as it was a really neat show!! Very loud with lots of fire, etc. Once again Drew amazed me with how well he deals with all of this!! Not scared at all!
We decide not to spend 2 hours staking out our spot for the fireworks tonight. Since we got to see such an awesome display last night we'll just stop wherever we are and watch them. The kids were all pretty tired by this point... hell so were the adults!! We ended up having to kind of watch them through some trees... but still got to see them.
Since we ate at Hollywood & Vine ( if you can call it eating =P) we get reserved seats for the Fantasmic show. Turns out this was a very good thing! We get to the show 1 1/2 hours before it starts and it's already at standing room only!! People have been waiting up to 4 hours to get into this!! It's a 25 minute show morons!! We walk right in with our little pass and get our seats. Everyone is starving again... the $150 dessert just isn't holding us over. lol So I head off to stand in the hour long line for popcorn!! Who knew you could spend 2 weeks living off rice krispy treats and popcorn!! And do you see a pattern here...I tend to be the one volunteering to stand in these long ass lines for snacks....why you ask?... because it gives me a break from the kids. haha Of course while they're all sitting my feet feel like they're going to fall off!! Anyways... when I return with the snacks I see that the kids are wearing yet another new souvenier.... Jess "the sucker" has bought them more stuff! Red,white and blue star necklaces that light up. Very cool but good lord these kids are spoiled!! We realize that we're now packed in like sardines and if we don't figure out an exit strategy we're going to be stuck like last night.... shuffling like little old ladies trying to get out of there! Matt decides that he will go get Hugo about 5 minutes before the show ends and meet us at the exit of the park. The show has a lot of the villians from the Disney movies in it. Brooke was a little scared at one point... but Drew once again was just fine. Since I ruined it for myself and watched it on youtube beforehand... I knew exactly when it was going to end. With about 2 minutes to go we all bolted out of there. Larry has Brooke on his shoulders, Jess was carrying Drew.... ahh I love this idea of others lugging my kids around. haha We were actually able to get right out of there and out to the car... thank god! We were all sooo tired by this point!
We head back to the condo and I being the mean mommy that I am... make my kids take a bath. Oh the horror! lol Drew turns the whole tub blue with all the paint that was in his hair. Hannah has a ton of hair and could hardly get hers undone! And Brooke... well she was enjoying being a princess so much that she didn't want to dare wash her hair. Um yea... she was starting to look ( and act) like one of the wicked stepsisters at this point! haha She was so exhausted that she just didn't know what to do with herself. She just kept falling apart and even all the bribes in the world couldn't making her happy. I think Jess and Larry were contemplating never having kids by this point. =P She finally dozed off after I promised to get her all done up the following day. :)
Tomorrow we return to the Magic Kingdom for another full day of fun!!
1 comment:
Yeah! My life is fulfilled again ... I so can't wait to see you, Matt & the "Lil Angels" next month!!
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