The kids with Buzz Lightyear.... Drew thought he was pretty cool :)
The kids with a dragon made entirely of Legos... somebosy has a damn cool job there!!
Today we have to switch resorts and aren't going to go to any parks. So we are letting everyone sleep in. Of course I woke up bright and early anyways. I walked around the resort and took some awesome pictures. And then just sat outside our room... ate my breakfast ( not going to even tell you what that was lol) and then added up all the receipts from everything we had eaten and bought so far. Holy shit! Why did I do that? =P And here I thought we had been pretty conserative in our spending so far. haha
Once the fam FINALLY decided to get up I suggested the kids go swimming so Matt and I could take turns packing up the room. Fortunately the pool was pretty much right outside our room. I thought this shouldn't be too hard. I hadn't really unpacked the suitcases since there wasn't any room to put all of it anyways. What I had forgotten was that somehow we now had to fit that HUGE box of crap I mailed down there! We rented a van but no way was that box going to fit in there along with everything else! And we also had a good 6 loads of dirty laundry by this point. Now y Type A personality would've typically taken forever to pack everything up and amde sure it was doe just right... but I finally said screw it and let Matt take over. Those of you that know me well.... you know that I don't give up control easily. lol So this was a HUGE step for me. haha But I had shopping to look forward to and I knew Matt was going to get it done a hell of a lot faster than I was. So I watched the kids at the pool while Matt dumped stuff in bag after bag and shoved it all in the van. =P
The kids were a bit bummed about having to leave Pop Century with all it's huge icons, hippy dippy pool.... and all the other fun things they had there. And I'll admit I was sad to have to leave the free refills at the Coke machine and the ease of getting a Rice Krispy treat whenever I wanted. lol But I was ready to get out of the 1 room we had been sharing for nearly a week...that's enough togetherness to last me a while. lol
We head to Downtown Disney and this place is Matt's worst nightmare. haha Not only does this man hate to shop... he also can't stand having to chase after Drew while I shop. =P We pick up McDonalds there for lunch.... FINALLY a decent meal. Normally I don't much care for McD's... but after some of the crap I've eaten the last week this stuff tastes like Gourmet! lol There wasn't a table inside big enough for all of us to sit at so we had to eat outside. Not big deal... it's in the shade. WRONG! They have these birds who are a little human friendly and have no problem swiping food right out of your hands. Seriously! Drew was sitting there with his cheeseburger in his hand and a bird came right up and took it. Which he found hilarious. So he then proceeds to feed them all his fries. by this point I feel like we're in that Alfred Hitchcock movie " The Birds". We are being swarmed by these damn birds!! And when you have birds... with them comes lots of bird shit! Fabulous! I can't tell what's mayonaisse and what's not. =P There goes my gourmet meal. lol
We hit the shops and Drew... who has been a really good kid all week decides that today is the day he will grow his little devil horns! He wants nothing to do with sitting in the stroller or holding onto the stroller. All he wants to do is destroy these stores as fast as possible. ....and he's doing a pretty damn good job. lol The girls and I are finding quite a few things but Matt is beyond done by this point and is heading to the car with or without us... can't say that I blame him. haha
So shopping didn't go quite as planned but we'll be coming back later in the week. :) We head to the new resort.... Windsor Hills. This resort is considered offsite since it's not Disney owned... but technically it's closer than Pop Century is. The condo is really nice with 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a kitchen ( which I am NOT cooking in!!) and a washer and dryer.... desperately needed at this point! It's so nice to be able to finally unpack our suitcases all the way! And what a mess they are! Matt did a fabulous job of getting everything in them.... but we had to completely dump all of them to find anything. Yep.... in 5 seconds we have completely destroyed this condo.... a new record for my family. lol We get everything organized and get the laundry going and we head to Walmart.
The Walmart trip deserves it's very own paragraph! Drew is sound asleep in the car at this point so Matt drops the girls and I off at the door. Never did I imagine I would need a freakin bodyguard in this place! We walk in and I immediately have culture shock! I'm definitely one of the few English speaking people in this place. Which is no big deal... except there are numerous people screaming at each other at the top of their lungs, pushing and shoving their way through, etc. and I have NO idea what they're yelling at me. Yea... me taking German in high school isn't doing me much good at this point! lol I tell the girls to hold on tight and do not make eye contact with anyone and we'll go through as fast as we can! We grab the few things we need and then head to the check out... at which point I realize I forgot milk... no way in hell am I going back through that mess! We'll find someplace else to stop on the way back! As we head out of the store there's 2 guys ready to have it out right by us... and 4 girls that looked like they could've easily kicked all of their asses. lol I didn't think it was possible for my girls to learn any new cuss words at this point but guess I was wrong. =P My god... now I realize why Disney wants you to stay on Disney. LOL
We grab a quick dinner and head back to the condo. Matt has talked Larry and Jess into taking an earlier flight which was supposed to get them in by 11pm. Turns out it ends up being delayed and they don't get in until 2 am! They are going to be a bit wiped out tomorrow when they realize we'll be at the park from open to close!
Next up.... Magic Kingdom with Larry and Jess on their first day!!
Yah!! Its about time to get the part about ME!!!
I can honestly say, when Ryan is ready to tackle Disneyworld, I am going to print this and read it to him as a bedtime story! hahahahahaha
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