The first of Jess's overindulging!!
My little princess
My divine diva
My cool little dude!!
In front of the castle.. all done up :)
Fireworks... obviously =P
Even though Jess, Larry and Matt got just a few hours of sleep last night... they're all ready to go by 7:45am! The kids were really excited to see them. Matt and I were excited because we had some extra hands. LOL Plan today is rode drop at Magic Kingdom. Since we've taken Disney transportation all the previous days... this is the first time we will be driving to the park. Very easy to navigate... and when you drive to Magic Kingdom you get to ride either the monorail or the ferry to get to the actual entrance. Drew thought the monorail was the coolest thing ever!!
Now Jess has a habit of over indulging the kids too much.... and I knew Disney would be no exception!! We weren't even into the park yet and she was already buying them stuff. lol She bought them their Mickey ears. They got a big kick out of the rope drop ceremony but couldn't believe how crowded it was! It's July 3rd... and they are expecting record breaking crowds today! I give Jess and Larry the low down on how we will casually make our way around the park... yea right! haha They vacation with us frequently so they're well aware that we will push them to the limits...of all the people we've vacationed with... they're the only ones who have actually been willing to go on another trip. lol Anyways... Matt and Larry are going to get started with the fastpasses and Jess, the kids and I will start towards fantasyland. Rope drops and the guys are gone and we run from the entrance all the way to Dumbo. Jess looks at me and says please tell me we aren't moving this fast ALL day... nah... just for the next few hours. haha We pretty much follow the same tour we did our first day there and since this is Jess's first ever trip to Disney she's in awe over everything... too bad we're moving so damn fast she isn't getting a chance to take it all in. lol
Guys make it back to join us and they were given "No Stampeding" cards....something the employees give you if they see you pushing your way through... meant to be funny... but serious at the same time. Of course the guys think these things are cool... and now they'll be trying to get them again all week. haha We make our way around Fantasyland and end with the teacups.... Matt and Jess both get major motion sickness as does Hannah. So they all ride together along with Drew so they can have a mellow ride. Larry makes it his mission to see just how fast we can make that damn cup turn! Now typically spinning doesn't bother me... but he would spin it really fast one way then stop it... and spin it really fast the other way. Um yea... I was a bit green getting off that ride!
Next stop is Splash Mountain. On the way over Larry sees that there's no line for Haunted Mansion and doesn't understand why we're not stopping to go in. Look boy... do NOT question what the index cards say. lol Just follow my plan and no one will get hurt! We ride the mountains, Pirates of the Carribean and then by this time we're all getting a bit hungry. Jess is just about as picky as I am when it comes to food so I know she's not going to much care for it either... but atleast we have those Rice Krispy treats and funnel cakes to fall back on. lol
Our original plan was to eat lunch and then go back to the resort for a while. But we see the crowds and realize that if we leave... we may not be able to get in. And we have something VERY special planned for the girls in a few hours that we have to be back for. So we decide to stay.... even though everyone is already wiped out. We'll take it a little slower for the rest of the day though!!
We ride Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear and a few others... and then it's time! Time to tell Brooke about her big surprise!! We told Hannah about it months ago.. but decided we would surprise Brooke. The girls are going to get their hair done at Bippity Boppity Boutique!! She's been admiring these girls all week walking around with their fancy hair do's. And some of them have these fancy princess dresses on too. The Boutique was a gift from Jess... see what I said about over indulging. lol Matt was a big sucker too and told me to go ahead and get her the Cinderella dress. Seriously... that little dress is $70 freakin bucks!.... the jewish in me was definitely coming out. haha But Matt made a very good point... we've spent thousands on this trip.... what's a mere $70 bucks! lol So Brooke is about to be completely transformed into a princess! The ladies that do their hair are called Fairy Godmothers. The girls pick their hairstyles... Brooke a princess ( of course) and Hannah a Diva. They do their hair and then they also get make up and their nails painted. They looked adorable afterwards!! Matt was pretty floored by how grown up they looked when they came out... I can see future issues when them on prom nights.... daddy is NOT going to be happy with his little girls looking like grown women! ;)
While we were in BBB... Matt and Larry took Drew to the barbershop for a hairdo all of his own. He got a blue mohawk with a mickey head in the back. Definitely the cool dude look! Matt contemplated getting him an actual mohawk while he was in there... but was afraid I would freak. lol Unfortuantely.. they were typical guys... and didn't take one damn picture of him getting it done despite the fact that we sent them with a freakin camera! Grrr!
We took TONS of pictures of the 3 of them all done up... and people were oohing and ahhing over them :) And the attention Brooke got being all dressed up like a princess... let's just say it was unbelieveable! I think the employees are trained to really indulge these little girls... so you'll turn around the next day and spend all this money to do it all over again. haha Everywhere we turned we would hear them say "Hi princess". On Space Mountain the employees asked her if she wanted to start the ride. An employee on the tomorrowland bridge came up to her and gave her a royal bow and then kissed her on the hand... of course she promptly said yuck. lol She's such a 9 year old... boys are still yucky to her. ;) Typically Brooke is pretty shy... but she quickly warmed up to all this attention and was loving EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE!! I have to say we really felt that Disney magic that night!!
Disney does amazing fireworks for the 4th of July... and at Magic Kingdom they do the show on the 3rd as well. Because it's ungodly crowded I know that we need to get our viewing spot about 2 hours before hand! I was prepared and had beach towels for us to sit on. We took turns with 2 adults sitting with Drew while 2 others would take the girls to go ride things using fastpasses. Once again those fastpasses are like gold! Waits for rides were running 2 hours or more... and we were just walking right on with our fastpass! Why people don't learn how to use these damn things is beyond me! But hey... that just leaves more for me to use! haha I had brought stickers and markers for Drew to play with while we sat... and he was so content being in the middle of Disney World coloring away. :) About an hour beforehand it was getting unbelieveably packed so we had everyone take a seat at our perfect viewing spot. I got in line to get us popcorn... not knowing I would stand there for 45 minutes... for freakin popcorn!
Fireworks were the most amazing I have EVER seen! Now I've really only seen them here in Englewood and Vandalia... so I don't have much to compare them to. lol But people were in tears with how unbelieveable they were... of course I wasn't one of those people. As you know... I am sooo not a crier... let alone crying over explosives. =P They're lit off right behind the castle... and the castle was constantly changing colors... so cool! And the music they played along with it was perfect! The only music I've ever really heard with fireworks was someone blaring Motley Crue out of their trunks speakers once. lol Never realized how cool that could be to have it all syncronized like that... okay I obviously live in a hole. ;)
Now getting out of there is going to be a bit of a challenge. It is wall to wall people! I have never in my life been in a crowd like that! Jess made this little sling type wrap thing to carry Drew in... so she put him in that. He loved it... probably because he was smashed up against her boobs... and well... he loves boobs! ;) Brooke really wanted to just sit in the stroller but she was getting hit in the face by other kids that were being carried so we had to put her on Larry's shoulders. Matt shoved the stroller through which was no easy feat...once again he was cussing me out for bringing Hugo. lol And Hannah and I just shuffled along behind everyone holding on for dear life. And I seriously mean we shuffled. There was NO walking! And this went on ALL the way out of the park! Jess... who is claustrophobic at times... did unbelieveably well getting out of there... I'm sure Drew massing her boobs the whole time helped relax her. haha
We hop on the monorail... once again Drew's loving it! And then head to the parking lot trams! OMG... the crowds are ungodly here too! And since there's 7 of us... it's a bit hard to get 2 whole rows in order for all of us to ride at the same time. Well actually I should count us as 8... because Hugo takes up a TON of room! We finally get on a tram and realize there's just enough room for all of us... except me! I was at the end of the line. Matt was holding Hugo so I couldn't hop on his lap. Jess has Drew on hers and of course I can't sit on the girls. No way in hell was I waiting for the next tram... so I jumped on Larry's lap and off we went. Poor Larry... he had to suffer the consequences of me eating all those Rice Kripsy treats all week. haha
We head back to the condo and we are all just beyond exhausted! The kids go right to sleep but the 4 of us sat up for a bit and chatted for a while. We all agree that the BBB and the Cinderella dress was worth every single penny! Every little girl needs to be a princess at some point in their life :) The kids all went to sleep with their hairdo's still in.... hoping to get to walk around the parks getting all the attention again tomorrow. ;)
Next up....Disney Studios.... 4th of July!!
Well, let me tell you, I still want to be a princess ... mental note ... cute dress and getting hair done when I get on my vacation ! hahaha
I feel the same way as Kathy... Hint hint! I will be there tomorrow. LOL! As crazy as it sounds... I would love to go on vacation with you! LOL!
Um, you're slacking again. I think it's time to finish this trip.
I'm with Julie ... I check back EVERY day to get my fix ... I'm having withdrawls !! hahah
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