The girls in front of the "playdoh can" at POP Century resort
The Hippy Dippy Pool at POP
The monsters at the car rental place
( Yes I know these pictures aare out of order but I'm too tired to fix them =P )
I've decided to make a trip report of our Disney trip. Mainly so when I actually get around to scrapbooking it ( like 10 years from now =P ) I'll have some jorunaling to fall back on. Also thought you guys might get a good chuckle out of it. :)
Day 1.... supposed to leave for airport at 5am.
I stay up waaaay too late the night before doing all those last minute things... so therefore sleep was a bit slim for me that night. I wake up at 3:30 to get everythig... and everyone... ready and out the door. The kids are all so excited to go to Disney! They get up right away, wear what I have picked out for them ( major shocker there!) and are out the door in no time flat! Matt's parents kindly volunteered to meet us at the airport and drive our car back for us. i think they mainly did this so they could giggle watching us trying to get into the airport itself. lol As we started unloading all our luggage, carryons etc. Judy just looked at me and said how in the world are you guys going to get all this stuff down there? I didn't really think we had THAT much stuff. We only had 5 suitcases, 6 carryons, a few purses, a BIG stroller, a carseat... okay we had a lot of shit! lol But since we're practically right in front of the check in counter it's no big deal right? Wrong! I thought for sure the girls had 2 working arms when we left.. but all of the sudden they were completely incapable of lifting a thing. So Matt and I load up the stroller, each grab 2 suitcases and somehow manage to make it around the corner. I coud've sworn I heard a little snicker as we walked away... pretty sure it was Judy. hehe We get up to the check in counter, go through the usual and then they tell us we have to take all our suitcases around the corner to check them. ANd thus we have the first fight of the day... and it's 5:15 am!! The girls are yelling at each other to get out of each other's way so they can move their suitcases. People checking in after us are whispering to each other that they hope to god they aren't sitting by us! lol We get all the suitcases checked in, take a deep breath and head for security. This shouldn't be too bad. Until I remember we have to take all electronics out of the carryon's. OH SHIT! We have a laptop, 2 dvd's players, 3 cell phones, 3 gameboys, 1 camera. I'm fairly certain we took up an entire rack of those little tubs. haha We get everything on the belt and then they tell me I have to go to a seperate line with the stroller so they can xray it. Seriously? So I have to leave Matt with all this crap, 3 kids... and hope to god he'll get everything! Get to the other side and Matt somehow has everything... all shoved in 1 bag! Oy vey! obviously I've got to rearrange all this crap before we get on the plane. lol
We get to the terminal now and I figure we've got a good hour to get everything situated. I hand out a nutritional breakfast to everyone... Rice Krispy treats. haha Hey we're on vacation! We sit for approx. 5 minutes and they call for boarding families with children under 5. Oh man.. I forgot about that part. So our disheveled bags are just going to have to stay that way. Oh well. We get on the plane and Matt sits with Brooke and Drew and I sit with Hannah. I figure I'll get a good nap in! Ha! I forgot Hannah is a nervous flyer... and when she gets nervous she talks incessantly! Damn! Drew is busy saying the plane is going down... god I hope no one hears him! =P I've been so nervous about how he will act on the plane that we are expecting the worst... but he did great! Thank god!!
We land in Orlando and practically run off the plane! We are all so excited to get to Disney! We hurry to get to pick up our luggage... and wait... and wait... and wait. Drew is completely done with the whole sitting and being quiet thing and is now completely intolerant of being copperative at all! He's running through the airport at record speed! I've decided I've had enough of that and put on the leash... yep you read it right... one of those little harness things. It has a little backpack on it and is actually kinda cute. I always swore I would NEVER use one of those things .... but then I had Drew! Nuff said! I bought it specifically for this trip just in case I needed it at the parks when it was really crowded.. never did I imagine I would have to use it before we even freakin got to Disney. =P We FINALLY get all the luggage and try and make our way to the shuttle for the rental car place. The girls once again have Gumby arms... therefore are of absolutely NO use to us! So picture this... 2 very tired adults trying to pull 5 overly stuffed suitcases ( okay I overpacked!), 6 carryons, a carseat, a stroller and a 3 year old who is about to hang himself with this harness because he's pulling so damn hard on it! No idea where the girls are... behind us, in front of us... doesn't really matter. At this point I'm so disgusted with them that I don't care if they spend the next 2 weeks in the airport. =P We make our way to the shuttle.... finally!
We arrive at the car rental place and the kids are starving! Ahh... so that's why their arms don't work... they're hungry. =P We acknowledge that they're hungry and tell them we will be serving their royal highnesses within the next 1/2 hour. Matt's goes in to do the easy check in and get the keys to our rental van. And comes right back out. Wow that was fast! uh oh... probably a little too fast! Guess what Jenny... they don't have any rental vans here right now but they can give us a little SUV with 4 seats. Um we have 5 of us... and enough luggage to fill a school bus! They tell us there are 4 families in front of us waiting for a van. Fabulous! I's 14,000 degrees... I have 3 starving kids and a 3 year old who has become completely wacko by this point! Matt and I look at each other and say OH.MY.HELL.... what have we done! Matt...being the awesome man he is... is determined to get us out of this mess! So he tells the rental dude that we have friends waiting at the airport for us and we have to get to them ASAP. Apparently we have parented the girls a little too well... they promptly tell the man that our friends are coming to the airport for another 5 days. My god you little monsters... can't you just lie this one time! Do you want to spend the rest of the day here? =P They finally pull up with another van that desperately needs an oil change and the brakes are shot... it's perfect... we'll take it! lol We manage to get all our luggage and the kids into it... although I was willing to leave a kid or 2 behind at this point. haha
Finally... we are almost to Disney World! Woohoo! The drive is a quick one and we arrive at Pop Century Resort with no more problems... thank god! We get out of the car and I start dancing that we're at Disney.... much to Hannah's dismay. haha We check in and are pleasantly surprised that we can get into our room early! We grab a quick lunch in the food court and then head to our room. The room is great... if you had 2 people in it. haha. It's just a little smaller than my bedroom... which those of you that have seen it know it's a pretty big room. But we don't usually have all 5 of us in it... for a week! lol We manage to cram all of our stuff in there and I tell the kids not to bother unpacking their stuff as there's no where to put it. We have a little air mattress that Brooke is going to sleep on... thank god that child is still the size of a 5 year old. lol
We spent the rest of the evening touring a couple other resorts.. which the kids found VERY boring to do. I had planned on doing it a bit again later in our trip but will scrap those plans. Kids don't give a rat's ass what other hotels look like. lol We head back to POP and take everyone swimming in the Hippy Dippy Pool. I go take care of buying all of our park tickets...can you say expensive! And also pick up the HUGE box I had shipped to the resort ahead of time that's full of snacks, sunscreen, glowsticks, etc. Crap.. now that thing has to fit in the room too. lol
We get everyone settled down and tucked in for the night and Matt and I are finally able to relax and are really looking forward to our first day at the parks... we will start with Magic Kingdom.
Stay tuned....
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