The kids and I in front of the castle... poor Matt is too busy running all over the parks.
Drew got the biggest kick out of this little guy with one eye :)
Brooke and I on our way out of Magic Kingdom
Today is the day.... our VERY first day at the Disney parks... and we've chosen Magic Kingdom. You just can't start a Disney trip in any other park but the original. I can't wait for the kids to see that castle!
Now me being the major Type A personality that I am.... I planned this trip down to the last minute! Matt has watched me plan this trip for about 8 months now. From reading books the size of the yellow pages, to scanning message boards, to actually paying for a subscription to a site that gives you the touring plans that the VIP tour guides do. I had little index cards for each day. Starting from the time we needed to arrive at the park, what we would ride first, where we would eat, when you were allowed to pee, etc. lol These touring plans are supposed to help you stay ahead of the crowds. Not going to be an easy feat considering we're going at the 2nd busiest time of the year!! Matt was VERY skeptical of these plans and basically thought I had lost it. haha
The key to these plans is to get there at rope drop ( park opening). Park opens at 9am... so this shouldn't be hard to accomplish right? HA! I wake everyone up by 6:30 to be out of our room by 7:15am. Why are we leaving so early you ask? Because it takes forever to get to the parks when you have to wait for a bus, monorail, ferry, etc. I also want to make sure we are towards the front of the crowds going in. The kids get up pretty well since we got them to bed at a decent time the night before. Drew has successfully peed a good 2 gallons all over the bed... which remember he's sharing with Matt.. hehe. Normally I will moan and groan at this and then have to strip all the bedding, etc. Not this time. I say thank god for housekeeping! We wad all the sheets in the middle, throw $5 on the bed and call it done. =P Go to give Drew a quick bath but realize that I now have a teenager that god forbid anyone see undress/dress. So she's now occupying the bathroom while she gets ready. Damn! Guess we'll be running a few minutes behind. Brooke is literally bouncing off the walls with excitement... I'm sure the pure sugar diet she's been on for the last 24 hours is helping with that too. lol We get everyone out the door and head to the foor court to fill our refillable mugs. Disney has these mugs you can buy at the resort to use for your entire stay at that resort. Fabulous deal! Even more fab when you use Julie's that she bought 2 years ago. haha! Soo not the way Disney intends for you to do it... but don't worry... they'll be making a fortune off of us in the following 2 weeks!
We decided to try the free Disney Transportation and get in line for the Magic Kingdom. Ahhh... our very first line of the day. :) I dole out breakfast... Rice Krispy treats again... plenty left over from yesterday. We enjoy our breakfast while sipping our frozen Cokes... good thing we aren't diabetics. lol I sunscreen the kids up and Matt and I quickly glance over the itinerary for the day. Rope drop, rides, break by 2, return by 5, then stay through fireworks at 10pm. Matt says to me that maybe we won't need to take the break... suuuurrreee
Bus pulls up and we all board. I hear this grumble behind me. Oh that's Matt.... cussing under his breath at me that I just HAD to bring the 40 pound stroller... why didn't I bring the lightweight $150 stroller I specifically purchased for this trip... because I'm a woman and I changed my mind. lol Plus I knew that I wouldn't be the one hauling it off and on the busses so what do I care. =P We get on the bus and it's standing room only. A little old lady offers to hold Drew on her lap while I stand in front of her. So very nice of her... I think I'll skip mentioning that sometimes he pees his pants. hehe The lady beside her is quite surprised at how easily Drew goes to her. What she doesn't know is Drew has an obsession with boobs... and will go to anyone with big boobs... which this lady had. lol We make our way to Magic Kingdom and really enjoy letting someone else do the driving.
As we arrive at the gates it's 8:15. There are already several hundred people in front of us! Good god what time did these people get up to get here! We squeeze our way into the mob. An employee comes around and asks if the kids would like a little pixie dust... which is little mickey head confetti. You're supposed to throw it when they do the countdown to the park opening. The girls thought this was really neat... they were there for 5 minutes and already received a little bit of magic. :) Matt and I take a look at the little card again and he knows he has to head to Space Mountain first to get our fast passes. I feel bad that I'm sending him to go running through the park while I get to walk down main street with the kids for the first time. But we HAVE to get these fast passes. lol And I would go and get them... but let's face it... my fat little legs don't move near as fast as his do. lol
We watch the little opening show... which is absolutely adorable! As the gates open Matt is gone in a flash! I try and keep up with him a bit... but with pushing a big ol stroller and 2 kids hanging on for dear life it's not working too well. =P I'm being very polite and not running over anyone's toes and letting the little old ladies in the scooters go in front of me. And then we see it.... the castle!! Hannah's exact words... HOLY CRAP! They were just awestruck by it. We stopped for a quick picture in front of it and then made our way to our first ride of the day. Winnie the Pooh. We wait for Matt and hope that he made it through the stampede okay. He makes it to us much quicker than I thought... turns out he was the first one there. Which is no easy feat! He shoved his way to the front. lol We all hop on Pooh, then Peter Pan, Snow White, the carousel, Tea Cups ( the girls made Matt nice and sick lol), It's a small world, Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Jungle Cruise, and Pirates of the Carribean and Philharmagic. This is all by 11am!! Matt is calling everyone he knows letting them know that my plans works. lol Yes Matt... I'm always right. ;) We have a quick lunch... ride a few more rides and matt declares it's time to take a break. Geez Matt... I thought we didn't need a break. =P He's quickly discovered that being in 100 degree heat with gobs of people gets a little exhausting!
We head back to the resort for a swim and maybe a little nap. I know there is no way that the kids will nap though.. but Matt and I sure could have!! lol We head to Magic Kingdom and get to enjoy our first of the summer storms that Florida has. We duck in and out of a few shows... Tiki Room and Country Bear Jamboree... my god that thing needs to be shutdown! Anything that is older than I am is not entertaining. =P Most of the rides are shutting down due to lightning and we still have quite a few sets of fastpasses to use! We stop for dinner and I've already come to the conclusion that I hate Disney food! No big surprise there... being that I am the world's pickiest eater... but what the hell are the kids and I going to eat for the next 2 weeks.... I'm about out of rice krispy treats. lol We ride a few more rides and then Matt declares he's tired and he wants to go back to the resort. WHAT?? Matt... the guy who runs everyone to the point of exhaustion is giving up first? Wow... Disney really is Magic! haha He volunteers to take Drew with him... and Hannah says she's pooped and wants to go back too. What is this? Did they not read the card? It says we are staying through the parade and fireworks! Matt says he thinks there won't be any because of the weather... nah.. it will blow over soon.... I hope! =P So Brooke and I stay behind and stake out our spot for the parade. We've got an hour before it starts. We sit there and talk about all her favorites for the day.... she goes on and on about how she loves seeing all the little girls done up like princesses. Little does she know she has a little surprise coming later in the week. ;) As were sitting there the sky is getting darker and darker. Damn! And then it begins to pour! We run into a shop and hear the announcement that there will be no parade due to weather... I swear Matt paid them to say that. =P Damn damn! I admit defeat and we make our way out of the parks with all the other suckers that thought there would be a parade. Hop on a bus and head back to the resort. It was nice to have that one on one time with just Brooke. :)
Get back to the resort and Brooke and I decide we're hungry and would like a little snack. Stop at the food court and OMG... you are NOT going to believe what they have there.... Rice Krispy Treats! But not your ordinary rice krispy treats... these are in the shape of Mickey... and the ears are dipped in chocolate! Holy shit...I've found what I'm going to live on for the next 2 weeks! lol We sit outside... the damn storms have stopped by now =P... and eat our treats and talk about tomorrow..... our first day at Epcot!
"Holy Crap" (Direct Quote)
Wow, girl !! You guys are CRAZY ... hahahaha ... I know you were flustered at times, but looking back you will remember a GREAT trip!
Can't wait for you to blog our trip out there! hahahah
Damn girl! I think I need to take notes from you. Yeah we don't have kids yet, but damn. How bout I just call you to plan our next trip. LOL!
Now I know what you are getting for your next birthday -- Rice Crispy Treats! :) You crack me up. Love hearing about the trip. I can just picture Brookie watching the girls walk by in princess costumes not knowing she'd be them in a few days. Love it! :)
I expect to log on each day for play by play of your trip. You're slacking!!!!
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