The kids in front of the Nemo ride
Room is already trashed and we've only been there 2 nights! I refuse to clean it since I'm on vacation too! I just continue to top the maid really well. LOL
Didn't realize how many people were actually reading this until I started getting emails asking me when I was going to write another post..... glad my family has given you a little cheap entertainment. haha
Okay.. so day 3! Epcot! Matt has really been looking forward to going to this park!
We start the morning off at about 6:30 again... except this time the kids aren't getting up quite so willingly. A few little threats of ice cold water on them took care of that problem though. ;) Matt decided we would eat a quick breakfast in the room today as opposed to eating at the bus stop. Today's menu.... Entemann's donut holes and Coke. A nice jolt of sugar will help anyone get going. lol
We made our way to the bus stop just as the bus is getting ready to pull away. We don't want to have to wait another 20 minutes for the next bus to we haul ass! Now if we just had to worry about getting ourselves on the bus then this wouldn't be too hard. But remember .... I have that big ass stroller ( I think we'll name it Hugo), a big bag full of crap, water bottles, etc. Everything has to be taken out of the stroller in order for Matt to fold it up. And once again... the girls have Gumby arms... why does this keep happening?! So I've got Drew in 1 arm and mountains of shit in the other. Matt's trying to haul Hugo up the steps and the girls... well since we're in Disney I'll just call them little princesses. =P We make it on the bus though.. and off we go! I'm really enjoying this letting someone else chauffer us... even if I am standing, holding a 35 pound kid!
We arrive and once again I see that people must just camp out the night before to be at the very front. Not too worried though because yesterday we made it through just fine. Matt and I go over our plan for rope drop.. he heads to Soarin to get fastpasses and I trek it to Nemo with the kids. No problem! Matt shimmies his way to the front again and I'm getting more and more squished! Drew decides he doesn't want to sit in the stroller... uh sorry kiddo... they're are thousands of people practically standing on top of us and I'm by myself! The girls are starting to get a bit nervous with not being able to move. I reassure them that this will be just like yesterday and when they drop the rope... the crowd will spread out and we'll have plenty of room. Rope drops... Matt's gone... and why the hell aren't these %*#&@ people moving out of my way! I clearly see it's time for me to take matters into my own hands. To hell with being nice! I quickly learned the art of ramming my stroller into the back of people's heels! For some reason.. it makes them move every time! lol Unfortunately the asses behind us are doing the same thing. =P And don't even get me started on everyone riding those damn electric scooters. Brooke's screaming at me to let this lady on a scooter go ahead of me... over my dead body! That woman has run over my foot 5 times in the last 2 minutes... no way in hell is she going to get to Nemo before I am! haha We finally make it to Nemo without any major bruises... unless you count the people's ankles in front of our stroller. lol
Drew goes nuts the second we get to Nemo! This is one of his favorite characters! I let him climb on the fish statues outside the ride.. which I'm sure you aren't supposed to do. =P But it turns out... I could've taken a little more time getting there. haha The soarin fastpass machine is pretty far into the park.. and although Matt was the first one there.. again!... it took him a little while to get all the way back to us. We all ride Nemo ( very cute!) and then see Turtle Talk with Crush.. cool show but way over Drew's head. We then make it over to see Figment and Honey i shrunk the audience... both over Drew's head as well. We take our turns riding Soarin... and Drew has officially decided he hates Epcot! The only thing he's liked so far ( and understood) is Nemo. And he's going ot let us know how unhappy he is with being "stuck" at Epcot. Let the tantrums begin. lol Over the next 2 hours we continue to ride things that he doesn't understand and continue to take turns riding things he isn't big enough for...thus him having to wait an awfully long time for both matt and I to take a turn. We eat lunch... my god is all the food the same in Disney =P And then try to fit in one more ride before we leave for break. This one wasn't on my little notecard to ride at this time... and we now know why! This was the longest we waited the entire trip! Half the line is in the blazing sun... which is so unlike Disney... they usually do a very good job of keeping you in the shade or a/c. Drew is DONE! DONE! DONE! at this point! He proceeds to spend the next 1/2 hour letting everyone in line know that he is DONE! Yes folks... we were THAT family... you know the ones with the crying screaming kid that just can't be controlled, consoled, whatever. =P We enjoyed a full 1/2 hour of evil stares. People thinking to themself that if this was their child they would spank them, or leave, or whatever. I was more than willing to let some of these "perfect" parents try their luck with him... but for some reason no one volunteered. lol We finally make it on the ride.. Matt looks at me and says "we'll stick with the plan". haha
We leave after that and make our way back to the resort for a much needed swim and rest! After swimming for a bit Matt and I decide that since Drew despises Epcot so much..he would head back with the girls and I would stay with Drew for a while to hopefully get a nap in... yea right. lol He takes Hugo with him so I don't have to try and hold Drew and that big old thing at the same time! nice thing about Disney is you can leave stuff sitting around for hours and no one bothers it! Kings Island that crap would be gone in no time! =P I swim with Drew for quite a while and he has so much fun just tossing a beach ball back and forth. I can't believe this is the same child that grew devil horns just a few hours ago. =P I tried to get him to nap but he was more interested in seeing how high he could jump on the beds. lol So we hit the food court on the way to the bus... just needed a little sugar rush ;) and then picked up the bus.
The whole bus ride Drew is talking to a lady about how he was at his new house at Disney World and how he was going to Epcot... you know the park with the big golf ball. lol He was so excited to go back to Epcot! Awesome... he's in a great mood and it's already 6pm so surely we'll all make it to the fireworks tonight. :) Meet up with Matt and hit the world showcase. This is the ONLY way you will ever find me traveling to other countries. lol I quite enjoy being in Mexico, then Norway, then France...etc. all within 5 minutes of each other. I've never had a single desire to backpack through Europe... but I have no problem walking through it in 10 minutes. haha I quickly see though that once again there is NOTHING for Drew to do here. Which means he isn't going to last too long. I see that there's a show of Chinese acrobats on in a few minutes and I was hoping he would enjoy that. It was a very cute show... if we didn't have to stand there with kids on our shoulders. =P It was packed and standing room only. Matt is hot, tired and beyond done by the time we walk out of there. Drew's also starting to get antsy. I suggest we find something to eat as it's getting pretty late and we haven't had dinner. We walk into a couple more countries and there isn't a thing that the kids and I will even think of eating... thus the reason I will really never go to Europe. lol Matt announces he's going back to the resort with whoever wants to go. Damn... there goes my plan of fireworks for all of us again. lol Hannah jumps at the opportunity to go back and Drew going back was a given. Brooke decides that she would love the chance at having another evening with just me so she decides to stay. Good! I was getting worried that they would all abandon me and I would be forced to go back too. lol
After they take off Brooke and I set out to find something to eat. Here we are in Epcot... which is known for it's unbelieveable restaurants with food from all over the world. And what do we eat... Brooke a soft pretzel... me a funnel cake! lol We find the perfect spot to watch Illuminations.. their night time show. We sit down, eat our dinner ( if you can call it that lol) and talk about the day. I am loving having this one on one time with her. She is so taken with all the magic at Disney and is just enjoying every single minute of it!
We enjoy the show... which is awesome by the way... and then make our way back to the bus. Thinking it would be similar to last night's crowds I figure we'll be back to our resort within 1/2 hour or so. Wrong! We get to the bus stop and it's beyond packed! Even with numerous busses coming for our resort it's taking forever! Then we get to the very front of the line and they cut us off! We just missed being able to ride the bus in front of us! Damn! We had to wait another 15 minutes for the next bus to come. We start chatting with people around us and meet a family with 4 boys and 1 girl all under 8! Oh. My. Hell! Either these people are saints to have the patience to tour the parks with that many little kids.. or they're nuts. lol Turns out mom was insistent that this wouldn't be hard at all and would be nothing but fun. Dad didn't look like he was having too much fun dealing with the 4 older kids and the 2 double strollers while mom held the baby most the time. =P I helped him get one of the strollers on the bus and help him with the kids as well. He thanked me and said he just couldn't wait to get up tomorrow and do this all over again. haha
We get to the resort and I glance at my watch and realize it took us over 1 1/2 hours to get back to the resort! Shit! It's after 11pm and we'll need to get up early again tomorrow to get to Animal Kingdom when it opens. I'll be fine.. but Brooke needs her sleep... or else we ALL pay! We'll see how it goes.....
I've got your back sista, a funnel cake is a DAMN GOOD DINNER!!!
I myself will endulge in that some day!!
Epcot has the best food. You guys don't know what you missed.
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