I've been anxiously awaiting this day for quite some time for 2 reasons. First- Drew doesn't like to leave me and I was worried about how he was going to do. He had already told me several times the day before that he was going to miss me too much to go to school! The 2nd reason- Drew wears me out! And call me a bad mommy...but I need a break for a few hours everyday from this little boy that doesn't stop...and hasn't stopped for the last 5 1/2 years!
He's in P.M. Kdg. There are normally 25 kids or so in a class. But most people want A.M. so the P.M. classes are really small. Apparently most kids this age still need to rest in the afternoons. If we went by that criteria Drew could've done P.M. at 1....he gave up napping then! There are only 12 kids in his class!
He woke up at the crack of dawn, got dressed and asked when the bus was coming. You only got 6 hours to go buddy! Then Matt came home around 11:30 to eat lunch with us and see him on the bus...which comes at 12:20. He told us he was going to go stand at the bus stop for the next hour and wait! Guess he is ready to fly the coop afterall!
He got on the bus with a big smile and I tried to take a picture of him in his seat but you couldn't even see his little head...the curse of my runt children!
I then came in the house, put Joey down for a nap and wandered around aimlessly wondering what to do with myself! I haven't had any quiet time since March 27,2005...the day Drew was born! And speaking of quiet....Joey took a 3 hour nap! He is usually interrupted by Drew barging in the room, bouncing a ball down the stairs, etc. P.M. kdg is going to be wonderful for us! ;)
When he got home he told me he had a good day but it was too short! Don't worry buddy....next year you get to go ALL day!
Conrats to Drew! Cooper missed the K cutoff by 8 days so he is in 4K preschool this year.
Are you not watching any kids (except Joey of course) this year?
We will have to catch up together sometime. Send me an email. I don't think I have yours anymore. Hope your family is well.
YEAH DREW!!!! I say you should have taken a nap with Joey...LOL So glad to see you fixed the blog finally...LOL
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