Thursday, August 26, 2010

Check that one off the list!

So in my quest to figure out what I want to be when I grow up...I'm slowly finding things out along the way that I'm not cut out for!

This morning's event...

Brooke: Will you do my hair?
Me: Sure!
Brooke: I want a bump then a high ponytail...with no lines.
Me: No problem

At this point I do the "bump" with 2 clips then a high ponytail...with no lines! Brooke goes to check it out in the mirror

Brooke: Oh my god Mom you can't even see the bump! And there's lines everywhere!
Me: I'm sorry...didn't realize you wanted to look like Snookie! And those lines are your freakin highlights! Let me try again!
Brooke: You are terrible at doing hair! You're not touching my hair! I look like a freak! I'll just do it myself!
Me: Have at it kid!

So she redid what I did...and the end result was pretty much the same =P But of course to an 11 year old it looks SOOO much better! Because mom grew up in the Little House On The Prairie days where they all just wore bonnets and didn't worry about Snookie bumps!

So I can officially take cosmetologist off my list of things I want to be! I wouldn't dare want to mess up a Snookie bump on someone's wedding day!


Anonymous said...

That is the one reason I am glad I don't have girls...I would have needed lessons on how to do hair. All i can manage is a plain old ponytail...LOL

Sherrie said...

buwhaha I know for a fact you are never planning on growing up J! ;)