So just like everyone else...I make New Year's Resolutions. And just like everyone Jan. 2 I've usually broken them! ;) But I'm really hoping by writing it down on my blog that I will hold myself more accountable. Of course nobody reads the damn thing since I'm TERRIBLE at updating...but that's one of my resolutions! ;)
I've been thinking about what I really want to do differently and what I want to accomplish in the next year. The list is obnoxiously HUGE! So I'm going to narrow the list down to 10...that way I won't feel quite as bad when I break 10...vs. 50 or so =P So on with the no particular order...
1. Lose weight! I'm slowly starting to creep back up the scale since having Joey. This has been particularly frustrating for me since I don't eat a ton and I do work out on a regular basis. I've nursed Joey the entire year...and I'm unfortunately one of those freaks that gains weight while nursing instead of losing. Lucky me! Since he's on whole milk now and eating tons of food...nursing is no longer his primary source of nutrition...only nursing 2 maybe 3x per day...and hopefully weaning completely before long..have you seen how many teeth that kid has now...ouch! I'm still shocked at the fact that I made it this long...NEVER did I think I would nurse when I had the girls...let alone for a whole year. But I'm really cheap now so I kept at it. Focus Jenny...this is about losing weight. Yes...I need to lose weight! I'd be thrilled with 40 but that's soo NOT going to happen so my goal is 30. I'm old now and there's just no need to look good in the juniors dept. The old hag lady clothing is fuller cut so 30 pounds will do!
2. Eat healthier. Some may lump that with #1...but this is HUGE for me! When I did WW before and lost 60 pounds I would eat a Hoho over an apple...both are 3 points so why eat the apple right? I lost the weight so obviously that warped way of thinking worked...but I know it's not the healthy approach....damn! I seriously LOATHE most healthy food! So this is going to be tough but I have to try! I'm not going to start eating free range organic or anything like that....but maybe grabbing that apple over the Hoho will turn out to be a good thing. This is going to take a TON of work!
3. beloved weakness! This habit is costing me a ton of money now due to ever increasing prices. Let alone the fact that all the caffeine, sugar, splenda, aspertame, etc. just isn't good for you! It used to be Reg. Mt. Dew for me...but waay too many calories! Then Diet Mt. Dew but all the aspertame is horrible for you! Then Pepsi One..which is better than the others but 4-5 cans per day is alot of caffeine, splenda and dark cola. And we all know how OCD I am on keeping my teeth white! This is going to have to be a sloooow process! I seriously look forward to each cold can that I open. How in the hell am I going to give this up? Ugh! But I know I HAVE to! I just can't do it overnight...well I could try but the effects might/would be harmful to those around me! So I'm going to limit myself to 3 cans at first per day and cut out a can each week. I'll have to drink...gasp water!...the rest of the time. Gah...I hate anything but soda! I would take bets that THIS will be the first resolution I break!
4. Lower my standards with the house. 6 months from now are the kids going to remember that we had a really clean house...or are they going to remember that trip to the park? I KNOW the answer...yet I still find it hard to do! I have no problem staying on top of laundry for 6 people ( no easy feat I might add..but I've got quite the schedule so it's never an issue) dishes are always done. But the rest of the takes a TON of time in this big ol house and I need to relax a bit and realize that it's okay if things get messy/dirty. Since Joey has been born I just haven't had the time to devote to all 3 floors and I have let things go some. But I think I need to loosen up a bit more. I don't like the time it takes away from the kids on a daily basis. And I don't like going to bed 2 hours after everyone else because I just HAD to scrub the tub! Let's face it..with 6 people in here...and usually a slew of other's NEVER going to be spotless so why kill myself trying?
5. Matt... make it a priority to spend atleast 1 evening every other month with just Matt. I would love once every month...but I know making arrangements 6 times a year is pushing it! =P We're fortunate that he's around plenty for family time...but I miss that one on one time with him. Nightly dinner is spent talking with the it should be. But I really would love to go out to dinner with him and not have to sit in the party room since we need a table for 6! =P
6. Hannah....Hannah is almost 16 now! Daily I think of the fact that in just a few short years she's going to go to college...sigh :( I love that I can now have adult conversations with her. I really don't think you could get a kid much more perfect than her...who the hell are her parents? lol She's one VERY busy girl with her plethora of activities...which we go to just about everything for! But when she's home and doesn't have friends over..she loves to talk. For the most part I do a pretty good job of always making the time to sit and chat with her. But I want to make even more of an effort to do so...because I know before long I won't have her here on a daily basis! Okay...going to go to my happy little place in denial and just pretend that she's gonna live at home forever :)
7. Brooke....she's growing up fast too damnit! Almost 12 now! But she's still very much a kid at heart. She loves to be working with me on pretty much anything crafty I'm doing. I have a tendency to not want to deal with the extra mess she creates so I don't always let her join me. But this kid is mega artistic and I need to just let her have at it! She's always amazing me with the ideas she comes up with and she's always good for a chuckle...seriously this kid is funny!
8. Drew.....5 1/2...and going 60 miles per hour....ALL.DAY.LONG! I love this little guy and he's so energetic and soo cute...but DAMN...he wears me out! He's up by 6:30am and I'm lucky if he goes to bed by 11pm. What 5 year old goes on that little sleep?! I admit I find myself occasionally ( okay quite a bit =P ) longing for next year when he'll be in school all day...but at the same time I don't want the time I have at home with him to end. I just need to come up with more things to help occupy him and help him burn off all that energy...or otherwise the little stinker starts driving me batshit crazy! He loves to do just about anything with anyone...he's very easy going....he just loves having that one on one attention. Since Joey's been born...that's been hard for him to have to share me even MORE! So I'm going to make more of an effort to do more individual things with him..whether it be games, playing ball, crafty stuff,etc.
9. Joey...almost 1..DAMN.DAMN.DAMN! I've finally given birth to the perfect baby and he's not going to be a baby much longer. Sniff sniff :( This kid gets plenty of individual time. Where I'm really lacking with him is recording stuff. He doesn't even have a baby book! I can only guesstimate when his first smile was, when he first rolled over, first food,etc. I've taken a gazillion pictures in the last year but I've got to get more organized on jotting all these little milestones down! And my resolution with him is 2 parts. Second being that I know as soon as he becomes really mobile that he's going to be into everything and testing my patience. I see that naughty little twinkle in those beautiful blue eyes of his and I just know he's got all kind of mischief up his sleeve! I want to enjoy his toddler phase and not spending everyday just surviving til the next nap ;)
10. Shopping....I would like to only shop because of needs...not wants. But this will be my very first resolution that I WILL basically this one is completely pointless! I like/love to why deny myself right? ;) So I'll make an 11th resolution instead!
11. poor severely neglected blog! Maybe if I blog more then I'll post more about the kids daily happenings...then I can keep up better with documenting all those milestones! Kind of a trickle effect! I love to look back and see what I've written about and it really does jog my memory...especially the trips! We've taken 4 more Disney trips and I haven't even posted about them! We just got back from one a few days ago and I vow to actually get that trip written out! Of course I will be hallucinating from lack of caffeine and sugar so the writing will probably be incoherent..but it WILL be blogged about!!
So here's my resolutions for the year. My goal is to check back atleast weekly and update the progress on how I'm sticking to them...or how quickly I'm breaking them! Any bets on which I'll break first and which I'll stay with the longest?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Yep...there ARE differences!
In a previous life ( aka before Drew) I used to think that raising boys was pretty much the same as raising girls. It can't be THAT different! I knew that boys would be a little rougher and tougher on things when they're little...but on the flip side..girls are supposed to be tougher when they're it should all balance out in the end.
Um yea....I'm not quite so sure how this is ever going to balance out unless all of the sudden my girls become raging hormonal mouthy snots! Sure...they do get a bit mouthy from time to time...after all I am their mother ;) But for the most part they're pretty good. But having a boy ( and now another one that's on the move)...has sent me into a whole different world!
For example...this morning Drew and Bennett playing with playdoh. I set out 4 cans of playdoh for them to play, purple, blue and white. 2 little rolling pins, multiple cookie cutters, etc. I told them that once they got done making their creations I would take pictures.
Drew: Mom we're done!
Me: Let me go get the camera.
Drew AND Bennett...giggle giggle
Me: OMG! What is that?!
Drew: Turds!
Me: I'm NOT taking pictures of turds! Why didn't you make something nice? Where did you get that idea?
Bennett: said in his teeny tiny voice....out of my butt...
another huge laughing fit here
Me: What was that?
Bennett: We made the turds that come out of my butt
So not only do I not have any pictures of something cute to share...I also now have 4 cans of shit colored playdoh that they made to make me the perfect "turds". Oh how I miss the days of the little cakes and cookies the girls used to make me with their playdoh. =P
Um yea....I'm not quite so sure how this is ever going to balance out unless all of the sudden my girls become raging hormonal mouthy snots! Sure...they do get a bit mouthy from time to time...after all I am their mother ;) But for the most part they're pretty good. But having a boy ( and now another one that's on the move)...has sent me into a whole different world!
For example...this morning Drew and Bennett playing with playdoh. I set out 4 cans of playdoh for them to play, purple, blue and white. 2 little rolling pins, multiple cookie cutters, etc. I told them that once they got done making their creations I would take pictures.
Drew: Mom we're done!
Me: Let me go get the camera.
Drew AND Bennett...giggle giggle
Me: OMG! What is that?!
Drew: Turds!
Me: I'm NOT taking pictures of turds! Why didn't you make something nice? Where did you get that idea?
Bennett: said in his teeny tiny voice....out of my butt...
another huge laughing fit here
Me: What was that?
Bennett: We made the turds that come out of my butt
So not only do I not have any pictures of something cute to share...I also now have 4 cans of shit colored playdoh that they made to make me the perfect "turds". Oh how I miss the days of the little cakes and cookies the girls used to make me with their playdoh. =P
Friday, October 29, 2010
My little brats!
So I tried again to take a nice picture of all of the kids. Um kids are brats. Even the baby wasn't cooperating....the others are wearing off on him. So here we go...
This was my very first shot. Not too bad but I was sure that I could get a better one so I kept going. I really should've just stopped right then because I know my kids and I know they have the attention span of their father...but surely they could indulge me for a few shots right?

So I moved around a little bit and got another semi decent shot. But I just couldn't get Joey to smile in this one and Brooke is sporting that constipated look I continue on. What the hell is wrong with you Jenny?!

So then I decide that I want that classic shot of all of them looking away from me...and I don't have to worry about getting a smile. The idea in my head was birth order but being that Joe is still pretty content on sitting like a big blob and not standing on his own he needed to have someone hold both hands. Believe me...we tried it and he just kept plopping on the ground face first...of course I'm fairly certain that Drew was purposely letting go of his hand so he would fall =P It's cute... but not quite what I was looking for. Really've got 3 decent done already!

I decide at this point that I want a bit of a different background. We walk around for a few minutes but just can't find what I'm looking for. So we pile back in the car and drive for a minute. I tell Matt to stop and I hear the kids groaning. They thought we were done! Hannah mumbles that no one wants to do this. I of course give her that glare that only a mom can give. So I plop them down for the next shot. And this is where things start falling apart. Joey discovered that eating leaves is YUMMY...and choking on them and barfing all over your shirt is fun!

I love this pose and the background so I REALLY want a good shot of this so I continue on...fairly certain Hannah is flipping me off in her head, Brooke is clearly NOT going to smile ( or brush her hair for that matter ,what's up with that?), Drew is loving that for once he's not the one getting in trouble, and Joey..he's got another lead in his hand...and when told don't eat that...well that's the grin I got...letting me know that before long he's going to be just as rotten as the rest of them!

So we try another pose...I loved this but now both girls looked like they haven't brushed their hair! And Joey is eating the leaves again damnit! Seriously Jenny....they're done! Enough already!

So another grand idea...put Joey on Hannah's back. And this soo doesn't help the whole looks like she hasnt brushed her hair in a week!

I decide that maybe taking a quick break of shots with the 4 of them might help. Alex was along with us so I decided I would work on getting a nice shot of the 2 of them. Well it appears when she actually WANTS her picture taken that she can behave! Seriously..this was taken right after Joey playing tornado with her hair...and yet she looks perfect again! These kids are adorable and I love this one :)

Since the others got to play for a few minutes...and Joey got to eat some more leaves...I figured I might be able to get 1 more nice shot of them. I wanted Alex in this shot too. My vision in my head ( I really need to stop listening to these voices in my head!) was to line all the kids up according to height. Cute huh? As soon as I started putting them like that they started singing the song from Brady Bunch. And it was downhill from there. Joey's still eating ( and barfing) leaves, Brooke and Drew can't keep their hands out of their mouths, and as if Alex doesn't tower over all my kids anyways..he feels the need to jump on Hannah's back so he's even taller!

I could've saved myself an hour that day and just gone with the first one. But noo...I STILL haven't learned my lesson that there just isn't a perfect picture with 4 kids! Get over it Jenny... the kids will ALWAYS's time to admit defeat!
This was my very first shot. Not too bad but I was sure that I could get a better one so I kept going. I really should've just stopped right then because I know my kids and I know they have the attention span of their father...but surely they could indulge me for a few shots right?
So I moved around a little bit and got another semi decent shot. But I just couldn't get Joey to smile in this one and Brooke is sporting that constipated look I continue on. What the hell is wrong with you Jenny?!
So then I decide that I want that classic shot of all of them looking away from me...and I don't have to worry about getting a smile. The idea in my head was birth order but being that Joe is still pretty content on sitting like a big blob and not standing on his own he needed to have someone hold both hands. Believe me...we tried it and he just kept plopping on the ground face first...of course I'm fairly certain that Drew was purposely letting go of his hand so he would fall =P It's cute... but not quite what I was looking for. Really've got 3 decent done already!
I decide at this point that I want a bit of a different background. We walk around for a few minutes but just can't find what I'm looking for. So we pile back in the car and drive for a minute. I tell Matt to stop and I hear the kids groaning. They thought we were done! Hannah mumbles that no one wants to do this. I of course give her that glare that only a mom can give. So I plop them down for the next shot. And this is where things start falling apart. Joey discovered that eating leaves is YUMMY...and choking on them and barfing all over your shirt is fun!
I love this pose and the background so I REALLY want a good shot of this so I continue on...fairly certain Hannah is flipping me off in her head, Brooke is clearly NOT going to smile ( or brush her hair for that matter ,what's up with that?), Drew is loving that for once he's not the one getting in trouble, and Joey..he's got another lead in his hand...and when told don't eat that...well that's the grin I got...letting me know that before long he's going to be just as rotten as the rest of them!
So we try another pose...I loved this but now both girls looked like they haven't brushed their hair! And Joey is eating the leaves again damnit! Seriously Jenny....they're done! Enough already!
So another grand idea...put Joey on Hannah's back. And this soo doesn't help the whole looks like she hasnt brushed her hair in a week!
I decide that maybe taking a quick break of shots with the 4 of them might help. Alex was along with us so I decided I would work on getting a nice shot of the 2 of them. Well it appears when she actually WANTS her picture taken that she can behave! Seriously..this was taken right after Joey playing tornado with her hair...and yet she looks perfect again! These kids are adorable and I love this one :)
Since the others got to play for a few minutes...and Joey got to eat some more leaves...I figured I might be able to get 1 more nice shot of them. I wanted Alex in this shot too. My vision in my head ( I really need to stop listening to these voices in my head!) was to line all the kids up according to height. Cute huh? As soon as I started putting them like that they started singing the song from Brady Bunch. And it was downhill from there. Joey's still eating ( and barfing) leaves, Brooke and Drew can't keep their hands out of their mouths, and as if Alex doesn't tower over all my kids anyways..he feels the need to jump on Hannah's back so he's even taller!
I could've saved myself an hour that day and just gone with the first one. But noo...I STILL haven't learned my lesson that there just isn't a perfect picture with 4 kids! Get over it Jenny... the kids will ALWAYS's time to admit defeat!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Homecoming dress shopping!
When Hannah was younger I used to have visions of shopping together for her dresses for Homecoming and Prom. Similar to the scene in Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts walks down Rodeo Drive in a beautiful suit, big hat and multiple boutique bags in hand. Sales ladies are at your beck and call to bring you 20 dresses that would look good on you along with a snack if you so desire.
But then reality sets in...we live in Dayton! We will have to settle for the mall. I take Joey with me as well since Matt wants to take the other 2 to go do something for the day. Since we had great luck at Macy's last year...we head there first. As we approach the dress department I see that almost every other high school girl in Dayton has decided that this would be a great day to get their dress too! Holy crowded!! We stand at the outside and Hannah immediately says it's too crowded. She hates crowds! But I know if I don't find a dress today then the selection just gets so picked over. So I tell her I'm going in! I basically used the stroller as my machete through the sea of dresses and crazy moms and daughters. Poor Joe! I pile 20 dresses on top of the stroller. Hannah really wants a strapless dress this year but I'm really going to try to find one that's not! ;) After a quick game of Marco-Polo ( remember we are short people so we can't even begin to see each other over the racks and swarms of people) we head to the dressing room.
Since we got there early...most the girls are still out looking at dresses. So there's still a few rooms open. I hand Hannah her stack of dresses and she promptly hands back 15 of them...apparently I have terrible taste! She heads back with 5-.....only 1 of which is strapless! And of course she tries on that one first. =P She comes out and says she loves it. I really love it too....but Matt is going to crap when he sees this because let's just say the "girls" have really grown over the summer! I tell her to try on the others and she hates them all...except for the strapless one...of course!
By this time the dressing room is packed! And here I am standing with the stroller right in the middle of it. She won't let me in the dressing room with her...even after I promised to just stare at the wall while she changed. She wants me to go look for more dresses but I'm afraid Joey might lose an eye if I try and push him through the hurricane of hangers again. Hannah says to just put him in the dressing room with her. At this point I realize we have an audience. A group of moms are down at the end trying to figure out if he's my baby or hers! lol
I head back out into the eye of the storm this time to be met with even MORE people! This couldn't be further from my Rodeo Drive vision! Not only is there not a sales lady to be found ( okay truth be told they're probably buried under the 500 dresses stacked up at the cash register!) but no one is even offering me a snack! Pure crap I tell ya! I run out and grab another dozen or so dresses and make it back in 1 piece...minus a big chunk of my hair that got caught on a hanger that some little brat ripped out of my hand! I show all the dresses to Hannah and she let's me know that I'm obviously stuck in the 90's because these dresses are horrid. She agrees to try on 2 but I can see her mind is already made up...she wants that strapless one! Naturally...the other dresses fit funny/are scratchy/straps are name it. Anything to get out of having to get anything but that strapless dress!
So I admit defeat! The strapless dress it is! This is just too hazardous to our health. I now need a wig and Joey is covered in glitter! And the snotty ladies down at the end are now positive that Joey belongs to Hannah.
I head to the register with my 20% off coupon in know me...always have a coupon. ;) Sales lady rings it up and tells me I can't use the coupon since it's a regular price item. What? I've never heard of that. Oh this point all I want to do is get the hell out of there so I'll pay regular price!
So Hannah now has a beautiful homecoming dress....that is strapless! Anyone have a turtleneck she can borrow?
But then reality sets in...we live in Dayton! We will have to settle for the mall. I take Joey with me as well since Matt wants to take the other 2 to go do something for the day. Since we had great luck at Macy's last year...we head there first. As we approach the dress department I see that almost every other high school girl in Dayton has decided that this would be a great day to get their dress too! Holy crowded!! We stand at the outside and Hannah immediately says it's too crowded. She hates crowds! But I know if I don't find a dress today then the selection just gets so picked over. So I tell her I'm going in! I basically used the stroller as my machete through the sea of dresses and crazy moms and daughters. Poor Joe! I pile 20 dresses on top of the stroller. Hannah really wants a strapless dress this year but I'm really going to try to find one that's not! ;) After a quick game of Marco-Polo ( remember we are short people so we can't even begin to see each other over the racks and swarms of people) we head to the dressing room.
Since we got there early...most the girls are still out looking at dresses. So there's still a few rooms open. I hand Hannah her stack of dresses and she promptly hands back 15 of them...apparently I have terrible taste! She heads back with 5-.....only 1 of which is strapless! And of course she tries on that one first. =P She comes out and says she loves it. I really love it too....but Matt is going to crap when he sees this because let's just say the "girls" have really grown over the summer! I tell her to try on the others and she hates them all...except for the strapless one...of course!
By this time the dressing room is packed! And here I am standing with the stroller right in the middle of it. She won't let me in the dressing room with her...even after I promised to just stare at the wall while she changed. She wants me to go look for more dresses but I'm afraid Joey might lose an eye if I try and push him through the hurricane of hangers again. Hannah says to just put him in the dressing room with her. At this point I realize we have an audience. A group of moms are down at the end trying to figure out if he's my baby or hers! lol
I head back out into the eye of the storm this time to be met with even MORE people! This couldn't be further from my Rodeo Drive vision! Not only is there not a sales lady to be found ( okay truth be told they're probably buried under the 500 dresses stacked up at the cash register!) but no one is even offering me a snack! Pure crap I tell ya! I run out and grab another dozen or so dresses and make it back in 1 piece...minus a big chunk of my hair that got caught on a hanger that some little brat ripped out of my hand! I show all the dresses to Hannah and she let's me know that I'm obviously stuck in the 90's because these dresses are horrid. She agrees to try on 2 but I can see her mind is already made up...she wants that strapless one! Naturally...the other dresses fit funny/are scratchy/straps are name it. Anything to get out of having to get anything but that strapless dress!
So I admit defeat! The strapless dress it is! This is just too hazardous to our health. I now need a wig and Joey is covered in glitter! And the snotty ladies down at the end are now positive that Joey belongs to Hannah.
I head to the register with my 20% off coupon in know me...always have a coupon. ;) Sales lady rings it up and tells me I can't use the coupon since it's a regular price item. What? I've never heard of that. Oh this point all I want to do is get the hell out of there so I'll pay regular price!
So Hannah now has a beautiful homecoming dress....that is strapless! Anyone have a turtleneck she can borrow?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The spiders have returned!...and I beat my kids.
There are pros and cons to having a corn field in your backyard. Pros....I could practically lay out naked and no one would ever know! ;) Cons....CORN SPIDERS!
Yes...the corn spiders have made their annual return! And these suckers are HUGE!!! Great big brown fuzzy things that attack my house from Sept til November or so. There supposed to be harmless...but you'll see further in my post that Drew begs to differ! For the most part they usually stay in the basement and only ocassionally will we see them in other parts of the house. FYI....when we haul out our Christmas stuff I always stand back a bit because I just know those little effers are back there! ;)
This year though they seem to be alot more daring. I saw one just casually climbing up the main stairs, found one in the laundry room and one in the hallway. I know theres lots more but I'm pretending that there not there unless I actually see them okay?!
So even though I know these things are in the house..they still scare the bejeebus out of me when I find one. Yesterday Drew comes walking into the kitchen as I'm packing up Brooke's lunch and I say good morning to him. Imagine the horror on my face when I see one right.on.the.front.of.his.shirt! OH MY HELL! So me...being the fab mother that I am....I'm going to kill that sucker! I grab the closest object ( Brooke's lunchbox)and start whacking at it! Wham on Drew's chest, wham on his arm, wham on his back..this thing just keeps moving! Drew starts crying at this point and I said just stand there I'll get it honey. He says stop hitting me I don't care about the spider. my moment of insanity I realize that I'm beating Drew to a pulp with a lunch box.. which is fully loaded might I add =P Oops! The spider then drops to the floor and we quickly put it to it's death with a flip flop!
The kids are now laughing at what a raging lunatic I became trying to kill this thing. And Brooke points out that it's a good thing that it was just a soft sided lunchbox within my reach and not a frying pan.
Go ahead... check exterminator off my list of thing to be when I grow up as well.
Yes...the corn spiders have made their annual return! And these suckers are HUGE!!! Great big brown fuzzy things that attack my house from Sept til November or so. There supposed to be harmless...but you'll see further in my post that Drew begs to differ! For the most part they usually stay in the basement and only ocassionally will we see them in other parts of the house. FYI....when we haul out our Christmas stuff I always stand back a bit because I just know those little effers are back there! ;)
This year though they seem to be alot more daring. I saw one just casually climbing up the main stairs, found one in the laundry room and one in the hallway. I know theres lots more but I'm pretending that there not there unless I actually see them okay?!
So even though I know these things are in the house..they still scare the bejeebus out of me when I find one. Yesterday Drew comes walking into the kitchen as I'm packing up Brooke's lunch and I say good morning to him. Imagine the horror on my face when I see one right.on.the.front.of.his.shirt! OH MY HELL! So me...being the fab mother that I am....I'm going to kill that sucker! I grab the closest object ( Brooke's lunchbox)and start whacking at it! Wham on Drew's chest, wham on his arm, wham on his back..this thing just keeps moving! Drew starts crying at this point and I said just stand there I'll get it honey. He says stop hitting me I don't care about the spider. my moment of insanity I realize that I'm beating Drew to a pulp with a lunch box.. which is fully loaded might I add =P Oops! The spider then drops to the floor and we quickly put it to it's death with a flip flop!
The kids are now laughing at what a raging lunatic I became trying to kill this thing. And Brooke points out that it's a good thing that it was just a soft sided lunchbox within my reach and not a frying pan.
Go ahead... check exterminator off my list of thing to be when I grow up as well.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Check that one off the list!
So in my quest to figure out what I want to be when I grow up...I'm slowly finding things out along the way that I'm not cut out for!
This morning's event...
Brooke: Will you do my hair?
Me: Sure!
Brooke: I want a bump then a high ponytail...with no lines.
Me: No problem
At this point I do the "bump" with 2 clips then a high ponytail...with no lines! Brooke goes to check it out in the mirror
Brooke: Oh my god Mom you can't even see the bump! And there's lines everywhere!
Me: I'm sorry...didn't realize you wanted to look like Snookie! And those lines are your freakin highlights! Let me try again!
Brooke: You are terrible at doing hair! You're not touching my hair! I look like a freak! I'll just do it myself!
Me: Have at it kid!
So she redid what I did...and the end result was pretty much the same =P But of course to an 11 year old it looks SOOO much better! Because mom grew up in the Little House On The Prairie days where they all just wore bonnets and didn't worry about Snookie bumps!
So I can officially take cosmetologist off my list of things I want to be! I wouldn't dare want to mess up a Snookie bump on someone's wedding day!
This morning's event...
Brooke: Will you do my hair?
Me: Sure!
Brooke: I want a bump then a high ponytail...with no lines.
Me: No problem
At this point I do the "bump" with 2 clips then a high ponytail...with no lines! Brooke goes to check it out in the mirror
Brooke: Oh my god Mom you can't even see the bump! And there's lines everywhere!
Me: I'm sorry...didn't realize you wanted to look like Snookie! And those lines are your freakin highlights! Let me try again!
Brooke: You are terrible at doing hair! You're not touching my hair! I look like a freak! I'll just do it myself!
Me: Have at it kid!
So she redid what I did...and the end result was pretty much the same =P But of course to an 11 year old it looks SOOO much better! Because mom grew up in the Little House On The Prairie days where they all just wore bonnets and didn't worry about Snookie bumps!
So I can officially take cosmetologist off my list of things I want to be! I wouldn't dare want to mess up a Snookie bump on someone's wedding day!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Drew's first day of Kindergarten!
I've been anxiously awaiting this day for quite some time for 2 reasons. First- Drew doesn't like to leave me and I was worried about how he was going to do. He had already told me several times the day before that he was going to miss me too much to go to school! The 2nd reason- Drew wears me out! And call me a bad mommy...but I need a break for a few hours everyday from this little boy that doesn't stop...and hasn't stopped for the last 5 1/2 years!
He's in P.M. Kdg. There are normally 25 kids or so in a class. But most people want A.M. so the P.M. classes are really small. Apparently most kids this age still need to rest in the afternoons. If we went by that criteria Drew could've done P.M. at 1....he gave up napping then! There are only 12 kids in his class!
He woke up at the crack of dawn, got dressed and asked when the bus was coming. You only got 6 hours to go buddy! Then Matt came home around 11:30 to eat lunch with us and see him on the bus...which comes at 12:20. He told us he was going to go stand at the bus stop for the next hour and wait! Guess he is ready to fly the coop afterall!
He got on the bus with a big smile and I tried to take a picture of him in his seat but you couldn't even see his little head...the curse of my runt children!
I then came in the house, put Joey down for a nap and wandered around aimlessly wondering what to do with myself! I haven't had any quiet time since March 27,2005...the day Drew was born! And speaking of quiet....Joey took a 3 hour nap! He is usually interrupted by Drew barging in the room, bouncing a ball down the stairs, etc. P.M. kdg is going to be wonderful for us! ;)
When he got home he told me he had a good day but it was too short! Don't worry year you get to go ALL day!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A new school year!
Well after severely neglecting this blog ALL summer I'm ready to get back into the swing of things! School started back yesterday. Hannah a sophomore, Brooke 6th grade and Drew will start Kindergarten next week! Thank god I still have Joey home with me :)
Here's some recent pics of all the kiddos....
Yes...this kid is my clone!

When did she stop looking like a little kid?!

Drew was sitting with me while I did this post and insisted I put up this pic of him and Ty :)

Don't ya just want to squeeze him?!

When time allows ( maybe during the nights where Joey keeps me up ALL night) I'll put some posts up about our summer days. We had a good summer swimming, Kings Island, boating and my cousins visiting for 2 weeks. No big Disney trip for us this summer since Joey doesn't do well in the heat. Yes we went in March...but I wanted to go in June too! I guess he's worth the sacrifice! ;) Oh...and I've gained 10 pounds! As Joey goes through growth do I! =P Whoever said nursing makes you skinny is full of shit! All it's done so far is make my butt even bigger and my boobs are waving at my knees! Sacrifices galore for this kid I tell ya ;)
Here's some recent pics of all the kiddos....
Yes...this kid is my clone!
When did she stop looking like a little kid?!
Drew was sitting with me while I did this post and insisted I put up this pic of him and Ty :)
Don't ya just want to squeeze him?!
When time allows ( maybe during the nights where Joey keeps me up ALL night) I'll put some posts up about our summer days. We had a good summer swimming, Kings Island, boating and my cousins visiting for 2 weeks. No big Disney trip for us this summer since Joey doesn't do well in the heat. Yes we went in March...but I wanted to go in June too! I guess he's worth the sacrifice! ;) Oh...and I've gained 10 pounds! As Joey goes through growth do I! =P Whoever said nursing makes you skinny is full of shit! All it's done so far is make my butt even bigger and my boobs are waving at my knees! Sacrifices galore for this kid I tell ya ;)
Friday, May 7, 2010
MUCH harder than it looks!
I've been wanting a DSLR for a long time. The pictures you can take vs. a point and shoot just can't be compared. Especially with kids! You just need that faster shutter speed to snap away and capture that perfect shot!
I've been complaining since the baby was born that I'm missing all these great photo ops with him because my camera is just too slow. So Matt ran out and got me a Canon Rebel with all sorts of goodies. He knows in the long run that this is MUCH cheaper than the other option....keep having more babies so I can get those perfect shots! haha
So I plopped the kids out in the yard and got this great shot right on the first try....ha! Out of the 50 or so that I took...this is the only one that is somewhat decent. The lighting is way off because the sun is behind them. Joey isn't looking straight on and I hate that I didn't notice my neighbors ugly swingset in the background. But believe was by far the best!

This shot wouldn't have been too bad except Brooke looks like she needs to poop and Joey's doing what he does best...sitting there like a blob staring at nothing.

So then I decided I would have them face the other direction. At which point all 3 of them proclaimed that I was trying to blind them for life by making them face the sun. Just shut up, smile and open your eyes damnit! Do you see the baby there...he doesn't look real secure huh?

And here we have the very last shot...

Yep! They faceplanted the baby! At this point I declared them all brats, grabbed the baby and stomped inside. As I'm stomping away I hear Brooke simply say, "Mom's having a mood swing."
I've been complaining since the baby was born that I'm missing all these great photo ops with him because my camera is just too slow. So Matt ran out and got me a Canon Rebel with all sorts of goodies. He knows in the long run that this is MUCH cheaper than the other option....keep having more babies so I can get those perfect shots! haha
So I plopped the kids out in the yard and got this great shot right on the first try....ha! Out of the 50 or so that I took...this is the only one that is somewhat decent. The lighting is way off because the sun is behind them. Joey isn't looking straight on and I hate that I didn't notice my neighbors ugly swingset in the background. But believe was by far the best!
This shot wouldn't have been too bad except Brooke looks like she needs to poop and Joey's doing what he does best...sitting there like a blob staring at nothing.
So then I decided I would have them face the other direction. At which point all 3 of them proclaimed that I was trying to blind them for life by making them face the sun. Just shut up, smile and open your eyes damnit! Do you see the baby there...he doesn't look real secure huh?
And here we have the very last shot...
Yep! They faceplanted the baby! At this point I declared them all brats, grabbed the baby and stomped inside. As I'm stomping away I hear Brooke simply say, "Mom's having a mood swing."
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
How do you freeze time?

Do you see that....he's growing! Stop it already! There has to be a way to keep this sweet baby little forever! Usually by this point I'm exhausted and ready to hand them over to whoever is willing! But little Joey continues to be my dream baby. Seriously this kid is down right perfect. Sure he still gets up at night but I don't mind the opportunity to cuddle and stare at him even more than I already do. In fact...if I put him in his own bed he would probably sleep longer. But see...he misses me too much and insists on sleeping within 2 inches of me all night long. Matt doesn't even say a word about it anymore. He just pulls down the covers, lays Joey's blankets in the middle, then goes to sleep facing the wall. He understands there's a new man in my life.
I don't really like to share him much either. Yes..I am FULLY aware that I am creating a monster. And in a year from now when I'm at my wits end because this kid ONLY wants mommy you can say " I told you so". But I don't care. I want to spend every possible moment soaking in that baby sweetness because it just doesn't last long. I would have 5 more babies if they were all like him! But just a quick trip down memory lane quickly reminds me that I only have a 1 in 4 chance of having another just like him...and those are odds I'm not willing to risk. Well that and I hate being pregnant and I would have to find another husband because Matt would leave me.

Do you see that smile? This is the smile that I got this morning when I realized he's cutting a tooth! 3 1/2 months he's already getting a tooth. Of course...wouldn't you know it that the one baby I choose to nurse past 6 weeks is the one that gets teeth early. The others were all close to a year! I calmly explained to him that he needs to be nice and not bite or I'll take his boobies away. He really likes boobies so hopefully he continues to be nice to me. But seriously...look at that picture! What baby is full of smiles when they're cutting teeth? See why he's the perfect baby?
I promise I dote on the other 3 all the time too! Hannah continues to amaze me with her self-driven motivation in absolutely everything she does! Brooke does something to make me laugh! And Drew is really doing well with leaving me for preschool and is so excited for kindergarten. For some reason he doesn't like to be away from me much. For some reason he seems to be a bit of a momma's which I have absolutely nothing to do with. ;)
Do you see that....he's growing! Stop it already! There has to be a way to keep this sweet baby little forever! Usually by this point I'm exhausted and ready to hand them over to whoever is willing! But little Joey continues to be my dream baby. Seriously this kid is down right perfect. Sure he still gets up at night but I don't mind the opportunity to cuddle and stare at him even more than I already do. In fact...if I put him in his own bed he would probably sleep longer. But see...he misses me too much and insists on sleeping within 2 inches of me all night long. Matt doesn't even say a word about it anymore. He just pulls down the covers, lays Joey's blankets in the middle, then goes to sleep facing the wall. He understands there's a new man in my life.
I don't really like to share him much either. Yes..I am FULLY aware that I am creating a monster. And in a year from now when I'm at my wits end because this kid ONLY wants mommy you can say " I told you so". But I don't care. I want to spend every possible moment soaking in that baby sweetness because it just doesn't last long. I would have 5 more babies if they were all like him! But just a quick trip down memory lane quickly reminds me that I only have a 1 in 4 chance of having another just like him...and those are odds I'm not willing to risk. Well that and I hate being pregnant and I would have to find another husband because Matt would leave me.
Do you see that smile? This is the smile that I got this morning when I realized he's cutting a tooth! 3 1/2 months he's already getting a tooth. Of course...wouldn't you know it that the one baby I choose to nurse past 6 weeks is the one that gets teeth early. The others were all close to a year! I calmly explained to him that he needs to be nice and not bite or I'll take his boobies away. He really likes boobies so hopefully he continues to be nice to me. But seriously...look at that picture! What baby is full of smiles when they're cutting teeth? See why he's the perfect baby?
I promise I dote on the other 3 all the time too! Hannah continues to amaze me with her self-driven motivation in absolutely everything she does! Brooke does something to make me laugh! And Drew is really doing well with leaving me for preschool and is so excited for kindergarten. For some reason he doesn't like to be away from me much. For some reason he seems to be a bit of a momma's which I have absolutely nothing to do with. ;)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
slackity slack slack
Yep...that's me. Major blog slacker here. I WILL catch up...just not right now. Hands are full/overflowing as usual. ;)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Grandma!
Today is Grandma's birthday. She would've been 106 this year. Hard to believe she lived to be 102....but I know we would've all loved it if she had lived to be 150!
Makes me sad that she will never hold Joey like she did all my other babies. But I know she sees him and is up there chuckling to herself that I have 2 boys now. :)
Happy Birthday Grandma!! Marions and a draft beer will be had in your honor this weekend. :)
Makes me sad that she will never hold Joey like she did all my other babies. But I know she sees him and is up there chuckling to herself that I have 2 boys now. :)
Happy Birthday Grandma!! Marions and a draft beer will be had in your honor this weekend. :)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
2 weeks already!!!
Why is it that when you're pregnant the time just crawls.... but the minute they're born it just flies! Joey is 2 weeks old already! It's just going by so fast! I'm trying to enjoy every single minute of it since he's the last.... seriously he is I promise!!
He is by far my easiest baby! The others were all hollerin... as Grandma Rie always called it :).. by this point. But this baby is just as content as can be. I think he knows with the chaos of the other 3 there's just no point in hollerin because he'll never be heard. ;) Poor little thing is being man handled by Drew ALL the time but never makes a peep!
Having a 4th has definitely changed my ways a bit. Since he's up every hour on the hour I'm a wee bit tired and many of my OCD's are flying right out the window! lol The other night Joey peed through his sleeper onto my bed. Jennymomof3 wouldve stripped the entire bed immediately. Jennymomof4 grabbed a towel, laid it on the wet spot and went back to bed! Brooke has been packing her own lunch for a week now. I have NO idea what she's putting in there... for all I know she's been eating Rice Krispy treats and Twizzlers! Drew has been jumping in the shower with whoever is taking one at the moment. I just don't have the energy to fill the tub, sit there while he plays in the tub for 30 minutes, and then cleaning out the mess of the entire bottle of soap he always dumps while he's in there! Hannah is loving my lack of attention to detail right now. She has trashed her bathroom and she knows I'm much too tired to even notice! I figure once her feet start sticking to the floor from all the hairspray and makeup then she might actually clean it. ;) And we've eaten pizza so many times in the last 2 weeks that I think they're about to just put us on auto delivery! We did have some very nice meals made for us by Jess and Julie ( thanks again!) but the rest of those nights it's pretty much been pizza!
We've also taken this baby all over the place already too! Cabin fever is in full force here! With temps a high in the 20's and snow, wind,etc. I can't even send the kids outide to play. So we've taken him to the mall, Dave&Busters and this week the museum. He doesn't really care where he long as his boobies are nearby. ;)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Inctroducing baby Joe :)
I am beyond thrilled to announce that Joseph Matthew arrived on Jan. 12 at 11:30 am. He was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. And he was determined to outdo his brother and sisters by taking the longest to enter the world.....a full 36 hours of labor before he finally arrived....and only the last 3 were with drugs! =P
We are all so in love with our newest and LAST addition to our family! :) He looks exactly like Drew did as a newborn. If I have another Drew in the works I'm really in for it! lol
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Brooke! And a quick baby update.
Brooke turns 11 that went fast! We celebrated this weekend since she had school today and with me being due anyday we fit things in when we can.
She was really hoping that I would have the baby today and they would share a birthday. But with only 7 hours to go in the day....that's not going to happen. Some people say you never know...but my babies take ridicuously obnoxiously long to arrive so like I said...not going to happen. ;)
There's a snowstorm forecasted for Thursday so we all predict he'll arrive then....because my kids always have to have a grand entrance. Hannah and Brooke were both born during MAJOR snow/ice storms. And Drew was born on Easter...disrupting everyone's plans for the day. ;)
I feel fine for the most part. Can't sleep for shit but I think that's just prepping me for the next year ( or two!). Baby is still measuring small for 39 weeks but healthy.
And if you've tried to call me in the last 2 days and gotten a disconnected's because I've ripped the damn thing out of the wall. ;)
She was really hoping that I would have the baby today and they would share a birthday. But with only 7 hours to go in the day....that's not going to happen. Some people say you never know...but my babies take ridicuously obnoxiously long to arrive so like I said...not going to happen. ;)
There's a snowstorm forecasted for Thursday so we all predict he'll arrive then....because my kids always have to have a grand entrance. Hannah and Brooke were both born during MAJOR snow/ice storms. And Drew was born on Easter...disrupting everyone's plans for the day. ;)
I feel fine for the most part. Can't sleep for shit but I think that's just prepping me for the next year ( or two!). Baby is still measuring small for 39 weeks but healthy.
And if you've tried to call me in the last 2 days and gotten a disconnected's because I've ripped the damn thing out of the wall. ;)
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