Brooke being her usual silly self!
I've watched Brooke really change alot this year. Not physically..she's still a runt! ;) But she's really grown-up alot! She'll still get on the floor and play with the boys and other kids all the time. But when alone she tends to play her DS, do crafty stuff,play the Wii,etc. I've loved that she didn't grow up as fast as Hannah...who was pretty much over toys by age 5! =P
She's absolutely adorable but doesn't realize it! I see how the boys rubberneck as she walks past...god help me in another few years!! She's not into boys at all though..yet! And she has that ability to make a room full of people laugh! Every single day she does or says something that makes me laugh. I really need to start writing them down because we all know what my memory is like these days!
She has begged and begged for a phone so that's her big gift this year. Hannah's none too thrilled because she had to wait til she was 13...but times are changin....Drew will probably have one by the time he's 8...and Joey will go off to kindergarten with his ;) I love that she's getting a phone...so now I have something to take away from her when she's rotten ;) Unfortunately...she has a bit of a mouth...must be from Matt!
Happy 12th Birthday Brookie!!
P.S. And once again I'm trying to change this stupid background so you don't go blind reading it. I can't get the stupid font color to change! Damn!!
Happy birthday Brooke! I love your outfit and your sunglasses!
She is adorable!! Such cute pics and I love your blog.
pink mochas
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