Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Brooke! And a quick baby update.

Brooke turns 11 today....wow that went fast! We celebrated this weekend since she had school today and with me being due anyday we fit things in when we can.

She was really hoping that I would have the baby today and they would share a birthday. But with only 7 hours to go in the day....that's not going to happen. Some people say you never know...but my babies take ridicuously obnoxiously long to arrive so like I said...not going to happen. ;)

There's a snowstorm forecasted for Thursday so we all predict he'll arrive then....because my kids always have to have a grand entrance. Hannah and Brooke were both born during MAJOR snow/ice storms. And Drew was born on Easter...disrupting everyone's plans for the day. ;)

I feel fine for the most part. Can't sleep for shit but I think that's just prepping me for the next year ( or two!). Baby is still measuring small for 39 weeks but healthy.

And if you've tried to call me in the last 2 days and gotten a disconnected message...it's because I've ripped the damn thing out of the wall. ;)