Hannah with Prince Charming. She just LOVES how we do this to her. ;)
Brooke and Drew with Cinderella
Matt couldn't resist a brush up next to Cindy!
The wicked stepmother...she keeps that serious face the whole time!!
One of the wicked stepsisters... these girls were a riot!!
Beach Club at night
Well at the pace I'm getting this trip blogged... I MIGHT be done by Christmas! Anyways... onto day 4!!
This morning we're off to Epcot. Since we're staying at Beach Club we have the luxury of just walking to this park in less than 5 minutes! This little luxury is worth it's weight in gold! No dealing with crowds to get on the monorail, bus, trams, etc. Because of this we can leave a little later this morning to get there by opening. But alas... there is NO sleeping in on this trip! Drew is up bright and early.... after a full 6 hours of sleep! =P Hannah on the other hand has turned into full teenager mode and by 8am still won't budge out of her bed! Since she's 14 we give her the option of just meeting us at the parks. She jumps at the opportunity to get up at her own leisure and shower in peace! Not that I can blame her... 1 bathroom for 5 people is a bit cramped. ;) We inform her that since she's not with us we can't get her fastpasses... thus not being able to ride some of her favorites. In typical teenage fashion... she could really give a crap! ;)
So Matt, Brooke, Drew and I walk to Epcot and arrive with plenty of time to spare. We didn't really realize how close the park was to the resort. We take a few minutes to give the kids breakfast. Donut holes and a bottle of water. Hey... it's better than Cheetos and Mountain Dew!! The plan of attack is as soon as we enter to send Matt to get fastpasses for Soarin. Since we're coming in the back entrance we're supposed to be able to get ahead of the people coming in the front. But we get MR.I Just Love Having Authority who decides that he's going to hold all of us at this little line and not let us get any closer. He stands on his Segway and starts telling us Disney trivia. I don't give a rats ass about how they recycle everything in Epcot... just let me get to my damn fastpasses! After another employee informs Mr. Smartypants that he IS to let us through... he smirks at us and says, "Have a magical day at Epcot". Thanks asshole... now I'm late! Which there is NO room for in the notecards. lol Matt barrels over a few people ( mainly old ladies and folks in wheelchairs I'm sure ;) ) to get those fastpasses! I drag the kids, one in each hand, to go get in line to ride. We love this ride so much that we want to make sure and ride it multiple times! Technically.. with my "condition", I shouldn't ride this. But I've ridden it multiple times before and I see no reason not to ride it. There are several people who get out of line because they're afraid of heights, etc. But thankfully Drew has no fear! We get on and I spend most the ride enjoying watching Drew take in every second of this! He loved it!! As we're walking out of this Matt rushes off to get fastpasses for Test Track. And I quickly realize why I should NOT have ridden this ! I. AM. SICK!!! Just walking all the way to the exit is becoming a struggle. Apparently they have those warnings there for a reason. Oh dear god... PLEASE do not let me toss my cookies in front of all these people!! Brooke's talking to me a mile a minute about what we're going to do next and all I can focus on is not dryheaving so violently that I look like a cat coughing up a hairball. =P
We make it over to Nemo and I promptly plant my butt on the pavement. Some vendor must've noticed my lovely shade of green and brings me over some water. The kids of course are completely oblivious to the fact that I might be dying and are trying to pull me into the next ride! Fortunately Matt makes it back quickly and proceeds to tell me that I'm an idiot for riding it. Yes, I'm well aware of that dear. =P
We spend the next couple hours riding all Epcot has to offer... not tons of rides there. Hannah finally mosied her way into the park around 11am. I think she was secretly thrilled to learn that I would NOT be using my fastpass for Soarin.... thus meaning she gets to ride it!! Test Track quickly became a favorite of Drew's. This was another one I couldn't ride though so I did a little shopping while they rode. :)
It was a balmy 95 degrees by noon so we decided to walk over to the world showcase to get lunch, then we would head back to the pool for a bit. There are so many different options to eat here! Hannah decides she wants Mexican but quickly discovers that it's not Taco Bell. Matt and Brooke are going to get Japanese... but quickly discover it's not like the stuff in the food court at the mall. Drew and I know from the get go that we are getting plain 'ol American food. And as it turns out... everyone else decides to do the same. So here we sit... in a place with atleast 20 different types of food... and we eat hotdogs and hamburgers. We're soo adventerous. ;)
We head back to swim for a bit and Matt wants to check to see if the computers are there yet. Hmm... not there yet but I'm just sure there's nothing to worry about. Matt already is quite a bit behind on work and really needs to get on them soon. I assure him that they'll arrive shortly and he can get caught up while I take the kids for a few hours. He's still so amazingly calm about this! We end up swimmimng for longer than we planned and we have dinner reservations at 5pm. Normally we can get ready pretty quickly. But with 1 bathroom this is proving to be a challenge. Brooke comes up with this brilliant idea that she'll keep her swimsuit on, put some shampoo in her hair, and rinse off at the shower thing by the pool right outside our room. Next thing we know Brooke can't get it to turn on so she jumps in the pool... shampoo and all! Good god... they are NEVER going to allow us to come back! =P
Dinner tonight is at 1900 Park Fare. A dinner with Cinderella, Prince Charming, the wicked stepmother and stepsisters. The majority of the girls wear princess dresses to this so Brooke has her Cinderella dress on from last year. And she is NOT happy about it! It's itchy, the sleeves are too tight, it's too short now, etc. etc. We force her to keep it on just for a few pictures... such mean parents we are. ;) Dinner is your typical buffet but everything is nice and hot. We were pretty impressed. Prince Charming and Cinderella made their rounds and they made a big deal about Brooke's dress. Now all of the sudden she wants to keep it on. ;) Drew is quite taken by Cinderella. And Hannah is now completely mortified that I made her get her picture taken with the Prince... ya know anything to embarrass my kids. hehe The wicked stepmother came over to tell Brooke that she looked much better in that dress than Cinderella did. And then asked Drew if he would like to date one of the stepsisters. He wasn't quite as interested in them though. lol As the bill came Matt gulped when he saw it was close to $200 with the tip. He wasn't concerned though because we're on the Dining Plan and it's already paid for right? And what he knows won't hurt him... yet. ;) We all really liked this place and will definitely come back again!
We get back to Beach Club around 8pm and the computers STILL aren't there! Hmmm...now Matt is starting to get antsy. I'm just sure they'll be there first thing in the morning then right?! Drew wants to swim again and so does Hannah. But I am ready to hit Downtown Disney. Brooke volunteers to go with me to shop for a few hours. I'm not buying much yet because we're still here for a long time and I just want to look at everything first. This always drives Matt nuts. He just doesn't see the point in going there multiple times. Men!! I enjoy the one on one time with the kids though and out of all of them...Brooke seems to be the one that needs it most. She patiently waits for me as I look at store after store. We were there so long that we got on one of the last busses back. Lesson learned... it takes over an hour when you're on one of the last busses since they stop at multiple resorts. Wasn't quite planning on getting in after midnight!! Since we were already so late though Brooke and I decided to walk around the resort for a bit and take some night pictures. It's just gorgeous here!! I thought Matt may be a bit worried/mad when we finally got in the room at almost 1am... but he was out cold!! As were Hannah and Drew. Hmm... maybe we'll all sleep in a bit tomorrow.. yea right!
Tomorrow is Animal Kingdom. This isn't my favorite park. But Matt and the kids enjoy it. Gene and Judy arrive tomorrow mid-morning as well. And I'm just SURE the computers will be here by then!!
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