Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Are you sure it's summer?

Usually by this point in June we are all a lovely shade of leather. ;) But not this year! The weather has been.... well complete crap! We've had so much rain my yard now is neon green.

I've always tolerated living in Ohio because a few months out of the year we can actually enjoy the weather. But we've been stuck inside day after day. I have a million projects I need to do but haven't done a single one of them. Instead I've just hung out with the kids, playing with them, watching movies with them... and of course keeping them from killing each other. ;) Hopefully this dreary weather will lift soon....otherwise I'm about to pitch a tent to whoever will take me in Cali. haha

We leave next Friday for Disney. It had better be sunny there!! My plan was to have all the suitcases out by now and packing started. Um yea... that hasn't quite happened yet. =P Instead I have a bunch of crap dumped in a corner of my room that needs to be packed. Being that I pack for all 5 of us I really need to get my ass in gear! It's the rain's fault... it's making me procrasinate!!

I'll be doing a pretrip report before we go. I'm sure it will involve plenty of cuss words as I get frustrated at the fact that I'm running around like a mad woman trying to shove everything in the van. ;) And I plan on doing a much better job in actually finishing the whole trip report... but I'm sure I'll slack on that too. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll forget all about posting before you go...and posting when you get back but at least I still get to 'see' you most days elsewhere :)

Good luck packing and have a fabo time!