I had alot going on last week with Jess's shower so I haven't had a chance to post about Drew's birthday. He's 4!!!! I no longer have any toddlers in my house. It makes me a bit sad that I no longer have little ones... but then I quickly remember how hard the last 4 years with this little monster have been. lol At 4 he is FINALLY sleeping through the night! He usually comes into my bed at some point in the middle of the night but he's no longer waking me up for hours at a time!
He began his birthday by taking a treat to preschool. He spent most the week going back and forth on what to bring.... finally decided on choc. chip cookies. His school has a policy that the items must be store bought... thank god! I'm not into that whole I'm going to outdo the other mommies with my spectactular treats. I HATE to bake!
I had thought of doing a big birthday party for him but then had flashbacks of Hannah's 4th birthday in which I did a whole carnival theme complete with a Genie who did balloons... with 40+kids! Mass chaos! Yea...Hannah was definitely the first that got spoiled rotten! Brooke had a party with about 10 friends at McDonalds. Drew... he got an afternoon at the park with a bunch of friends... mainly because I was bored and wanted to sit and talk to their mommies. lol
Everyone keeps saying that they can't believe that he's 4 already... I can!! My life has completely changed since I've had him. My house is no longer quiet... EVER! And I've become a much different mom. I used to be that mom who looked at those kids in the grocery store with the dirty faces, running all over the place, knocking stuff over and think my god can't they control their child?! I now know they have a Drew... a little monster that is going to do whatever he pleases regardless what you tell him. ;) I've learned to grab the camera when he tells me to come and look at what he's done instead of getting upset about it. It's pointless.. the kid is destructive and that's that! His father is STILL the same way at 34 yrs. old... so now I just embrace it. :)
But along with being messy, loud and constantly in motion... he's also the MOST loveable little boy in the world. I've yet to meet someone who doesn't melt when he smiles at them with that adorable face of his. He is such a momma's boy and I love that he thinks I'm perfect... because that's the way it should be! ;)
Happy 4th Birthda Bubba!! I look forward to seeing how you grow in the next year. You've just started to discover the joy of bugs and everything else that skeeves me out... so I'm sure the next year will be a memorable one!
He looks so big in that picture!! He does have the most adorable smile!
He looks like such a big boy in this picture.
Happy Belated Birthday Drew!
Hope things are going good for you Jenny.
What a cutie pie! I can't believe he's 4. Our babies are growing up! I need to email you for some tips on Disney.
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