Um yea....I'm not quite so sure how this is ever going to balance out unless all of the sudden my girls become raging hormonal mouthy snots! Sure...they do get a bit mouthy from time to time...after all I am their mother ;) But for the most part they're pretty good. But having a boy ( and now another one that's on the move)...has sent me into a whole different world!
For example...this morning Drew and Bennett playing with playdoh. I set out 4 cans of playdoh for them to play, purple, blue and white. 2 little rolling pins, multiple cookie cutters, etc. I told them that once they got done making their creations I would take pictures.
Drew: Mom we're done!
Me: Let me go get the camera.
Drew AND Bennett...giggle giggle
Me: OMG! What is that?!
Drew: Turds!
Me: I'm NOT taking pictures of turds! Why didn't you make something nice? Where did you get that idea?
Bennett: said in his teeny tiny voice....out of my butt...
another huge laughing fit here
Me: What was that?
Bennett: We made the turds that come out of my butt
So not only do I not have any pictures of something cute to share...I also now have 4 cans of shit colored playdoh that they made to make me the perfect "turds". Oh how I miss the days of the little cakes and cookies the girls used to make me with their playdoh. =P