Thursday, November 18, 2010

Yep...there ARE differences!

In a previous life ( aka before Drew) I used to think that raising boys was pretty much the same as raising girls. It can't be THAT different! I knew that boys would be a little rougher and tougher on things when they're little...but on the flip side..girls are supposed to be tougher when they're it should all balance out in the end.

Um yea....I'm not quite so sure how this is ever going to balance out unless all of the sudden my girls become raging hormonal mouthy snots! Sure...they do get a bit mouthy from time to time...after all I am their mother ;) But for the most part they're pretty good. But having a boy ( and now another one that's on the move)...has sent me into a whole different world!

For example...this morning Drew and Bennett playing with playdoh. I set out 4 cans of playdoh for them to play, purple, blue and white. 2 little rolling pins, multiple cookie cutters, etc. I told them that once they got done making their creations I would take pictures.

Drew: Mom we're done!

Me: Let me go get the camera.

Drew AND Bennett...giggle giggle

Me: OMG! What is that?!

Drew: Turds!

Me: I'm NOT taking pictures of turds! Why didn't you make something nice? Where did you get that idea?

Bennett: said in his teeny tiny voice....out of my butt...
another huge laughing fit here

Me: What was that?

Bennett: We made the turds that come out of my butt

So not only do I not have any pictures of something cute to share...I also now have 4 cans of shit colored playdoh that they made to make me the perfect "turds". Oh how I miss the days of the little cakes and cookies the girls used to make me with their playdoh. =P