I've been complaining since the baby was born that I'm missing all these great photo ops with him because my camera is just too slow. So Matt ran out and got me a Canon Rebel with all sorts of goodies. He knows in the long run that this is MUCH cheaper than the other option....keep having more babies so I can get those perfect shots! haha
So I plopped the kids out in the yard and got this great shot right on the first try....ha! Out of the 50 or so that I took...this is the only one that is somewhat decent. The lighting is way off because the sun is behind them. Joey isn't looking straight on and I hate that I didn't notice my neighbors ugly swingset in the background. But believe me...it was by far the best!
This shot wouldn't have been too bad except Brooke looks like she needs to poop and Joey's doing what he does best...sitting there like a blob staring at nothing.
So then I decided I would have them face the other direction. At which point all 3 of them proclaimed that I was trying to blind them for life by making them face the sun. Just shut up, smile and open your eyes damnit! Do you see the baby there...he doesn't look real secure huh?
And here we have the very last shot...
Yep! They faceplanted the baby! At this point I declared them all brats, grabbed the baby and stomped inside. As I'm stomping away I hear Brooke simply say, "Mom's having a mood swing."