See that sweet little face.... for the past 9 days that was ALL mine! This little guy came to stay with us for a week.... we let mom and dad stay too. ;) I was so anxiously awaiting his visit. I got out the high chair, jumperoo, pac n play, toys, blankets, etc.... um yeah... I still haven't gotten rid of any of it. =P I think Robert and Kathy were in the door 5 seconds before I grabbed him.... yep I'm a baby hog! In the time he was here I got to do everything from feed him, bathe him, change big 'ol poopy diapers, take him for walks, rock him and just plain enjoy having a baby in the house.
It's quite obvious he wasn't one of my babies... he was actually quiet in restaurants, slept through the night ( which Drew STILL doesn't do!) and was quite the little shopping buddy. Of course by the end of the week I had somewhat corrupted him. ;) Due to the cold we so graciously shared with him... he had a hard time sleeping. Poor little guy was up every hour on the hour... now that's the kind of baby I'm used to! Kathy and Robert were starting to look a little like I did for the first year of my kids lives by the time they left. =P
They all took off on Sunday for PA. I kept secretly hoping they would leave him behind but damn them being all organized and not forgetting a thing!
And kudos to Kathy and Robert for being able to survive in my crazy loud house for a whole week! I have a feeling they left with a headache, a cold, and the desire to have NO more kids!! haha