Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kids for sale!

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm putting the kids up for sale!

I have a bazillion things to do before I can even think about getting on that plane and I haven't gotten a thing done! Seriously... not one single suitcase is packed! Hell... I don't even have them out yet!

So I've decided the only way I'm going to ever get anything done is to put the kids up for sale.

Hannah is beyond moody today and wants me to stop whatever I'm doing every 5 seconds to listen to her whine.

Brooke... well she's just being a little shit. She knows Hannah is moody today and is doing anything and everything to get under her skin!

Drew... I thought I was doing okay with him. That is... until naptime! I put him down for a nap and told him when he woke up we would pack for Disneyworld. All was quiet for about 30 minutes. Quiet and Drew is never a good thing. He starts knocking on the door and tells me he's all done. I race in there because the other day he wiped poop all over the wall... soo not kidding! The thought of cleaning up that again makes me want to hurl. =P So I open the door to find a completely empty room! He's taken every single piece of clothing, all his toys, all his books, his book shelf and half the crap off his bed and put it in his closet. He said I'm all packed for Disneyworld. Holy shit!

So now I've got to go tackle that mess before I can even consider getting started on the packing. Boy... this is REALLY making me look forward to spending 2 weeks day in and day out with them. LOL

The TSA still has the 3 oz. rule in effect... anyone know where I can purchase about 100 of thoe 3 oz. containers of Vodka. :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Slacking as always ;)

Well as usual I haven't posted in a while. So I'll do a quick run through of the last few weeks.

I left off with the death of a beloved family member.... Goldie. 2 days later... just as I suspected we lost Dottie. It was hard to flush ( er I mean bury) 2 relatives in 1 week... but life must go on. Poor Fred the frog was very lonely in the tank... and hungry! He lives on eating fish poop... someone must've been very bad in a previous life and was reincarnated as a frog! Anyways... we decided that we must add to our family once again. Don't panic guys... I'm not pregnant! We're just getting more fish!! So off to the pet store we go. These trips always scare me because I fear while in these stores, the kids may find something they're just dying to have that their softie father will cave into! You know... rabbits, guinea pigs, snakes. =P But I firmly tell them ( ie: threaten) we are here ONLY to get fish! Now they have lots of beautiful fish at this store. What does Brooke like.... the tank full of the ugliest black fish I've ever seen! She promptly picks out the 3 she wants and brings them out to the car. I've been out in the car with Drew the whole time( Drew in a pet show would NOT be fun!). So when she hands me the bag full of fish I promptly named them the fugly brothers. Yea smart one Mom.... now my 9 year old wants to know what fugly means. lol I just can't believe out of all the beautiful fish in that store she picked out these hideous creatures. I was kinda hoping for something along the lines of a cute little Nemo. =P So we dump the fugly brothers into the tank ( and cross my fingers that they won't last long) and Fred the frog dashed under a rock! Poor thing! Now of course as luck would have it these are super hardy fish and have no problem surviving the poor conditions in which our fish live ( remember we forget about these things often). And again... just my luck... I think these fugly fish have diarrhea! Poor Fred can't even keep up with the poop... so the tank is getting dirty... which means I now have to clean the damn thing.

Have plenty to update with but a million things to do.... will write more later!