Yes I realize I haven't updated this thing in over a month.... thanks for pointing it out Julie. =P So I'll do a quick catch up for the whole 3 of you who read this thing. =P
We went down to Florida at the end of the month to make sure that the sun does still exsist! It was sunny and 80.... and simply pure heaven! I can totally see myself spending my winters down there once the kids are grown. I don't care if I have to put a tent on the beach every night.... anything is better than this cold shit. I seriously loathe the winter months here. =P
Not much else has gone on the last few weeks. It's been cold and dreary pretty much everyday. I keep sniffing my sunscreen to remind myself that it WILL get warm again. Some people sniff glue.... I sniff sunscreen. LOL
And for your enjoyment I have a few lovely pictures of Drewetta. He seems to enjoy this whole cross dressing thing a bit too much. haha